Boluses reduce the frequency of metabolic disorders in cattle

LOUČKA, R. Bolusy snižují frekvenci metabolických poruch skotu. Náš chov, 2015, roč. 75, č. 5, s. 26-27.{INTLINK}
LOUČKA, Radko. Boluses reduce the frequency of metabolic disorders in cattle. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(5), p. 26-27. ISSN .
Internal link15042.pdf

The article deals with so called boluses, i.e. capsules of suitable shape and size that get, with the help of an applicator, relatively easily through the pharynx and oesophagus into the cow’s rumen. There they dissolve quickly, often within some minutes, and can start acting. Another type of bolus (Rumenfibe) may, after its shell has dissolved, irritate mechanically the mucous membrane of the rumen, and thus support its motor activity in case the feeding ration contains insufficient amount of particles bigger than 8 mm, which is considered the limit of structural character. The last type of bolus is a diagnostic device that measures pH and temperature in the rumen and the data can be uploaded to a computer through wifi signal reading and continuously evaluated. The 3 types of boluses have similar shapes (but are made of different materials); they can be used at the same time in one dairy cow and can contribute significantly to increase the cattle yield but also to reduce metabolic disorders.