Objective ensiling, methods and tools. Topic of the Week: Harvesting of maize and its preservation

LOUČKA, R. Cíl silážování, metody a prostředky. Téma týdne : Sklizeň kukuřice a její konzervace. Zemědělec, 2014, roč. 22, č. 34, s. 11-17.{INTLINK}
LOUČKA, Radko. Objective ensiling, methods and tools. Topic of the Week: Harvesting of maize and its preservation. Zemědělec, 2014, vol. 22(34), p. 11-17. ISSN .
Internal link14144.pdf

Maize silage is the feed with a high concentration of energy, therefore, it is worthwhile to produce so that quality food and remains this quality until when it will be used as feed. Maize is probably the highest performance potential, namely in terms of composition and timing of the harvest slightly ensiled but also easily vulnerable. Losses by failure to standard procedures can be large and tend to be useless.