Economic indicators rearing calves on farms with milk production in the Czech Republic

KVAPILÍK, Jindřich and SYRŮČEK, Jan. Economic indicators rearing calves on farms with milk production in the Czech Republic. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(4), p. 34-36. ISSN .
Internal link16035.pdf

Calf rearing is crucial period for the future production and economic results of milk production. From a management perspective, labor consumption, quality feed, health calves, technology and techniques of breeding, costs, etc. it is a sensitive and difficult first season production of pregnant heifers and heifers for replacement herd of dairy cows. On the basis of data from 24 farms were averages of 426 rearing calves per year, and the length of their rearing 205 days reached an average gain of 851 g per calf and day and 175 kg per calf. Variability between farms (677-966 g) refers to the opportunities to improve below-average weight gains of calves. Costs of rearing a calf about six months of age (excluding overheads) reached an average of 8,987 CZK, ie. 45 CZK per day of rearing. The highest average item (64%), the cost of feed before labor costs (18%), veterinary and drugs (4%) and other items (14%). Differences in costs and their main items between the stables cattle breeds Holstein cattle and Czech Fleckvieh are low and statistics inconclusive.