Genomic selection in Czech Republic

ZAVADILOVÁ, L. Genomická selekce v ČR. Zemědělský týdeník příloha Moderní živočišná výroba, 2015, roč. XVIII, č. 25, s. 8-9.{INTLINK}
ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila. Genomic selection in Czech Republic. Zemědělský týdeník příloha Moderní živočišná výroba, 2015, vol. XVIII(25), p. 8-9. ISSN .
Internal link15085.pdf

The article deals with the development and application of genomic selection for dairy cattle in the Czech Republic between 2011 and 2014. The reason was the requirement of cattle breeders to keep up with global trends in breeding cattle. Initially, the project started by genotyping of sires and solving laboratory problems. Then there were the preparation steps of calculation methods, where the chosen method of estimating single step genomic evaluation methods including genomic enhanced relationship matrix. This method was positively tested and it was subsequently carried into practice. Simultaneously, method of estimating the reliability of genomic values was developed.