Genomics-the possibilities of increasing profit in dairy cattle

PEŠEK, P. & PŘIBYL, J. Genomika - možnosti zvyšování zisku u dojeného skotu. Náš chov, 2014, roč. 74, č. 1, s. 59-60.{INTLINK}
PEŠEK, Petr and PŘIBYL, Josef. Genomics-the possibilities of increasing profit in dairy cattle. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(1), p. 59-60. ISSN .
Internal link14010.pdf

It was compared nine selection programmes, thereof genomic breeding value is used as selection criteria in eight programmes. Observed was genetic and economic profit resulting from each breeding program. Almost all genomic breeding programs reached higher economic and genetic gain. Values of genetic gains fluctuated from 94.4 kg to 162 kg milk per year. Increase of profit per lactation fluctuated from 48.9 Kč to 88.4 Kč.