Influence of lecithin emulsifier on the utilisation of nutrients and growth of piglets after weaning

DANĚK, P., PASEKA, A., SMOLA, J., ONDRÁČEK, J., BEČKOVÁ, R. & ROZKOT, M.. Influence of lecithin emulsifier on the utilisation of nutrients and growth of piglets after weaning. Czech Journal of Animal Science. 2005, roč. 50, č. 10, s. 459-465.
DANĚK, Petr, PASEKA, A., SMOLA, J., ONDRÁČEK, J., BEČKOVÁ, Růžena and ROZKOT, Miroslav. Influence of lecithin emulsifier on the utilisation of nutrients and growth of piglets after weaning. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2005, 50, 459-465. ISSN 1212-1819.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
Internal link5198.pdf

The supplementation of lecithin emulsifier to the commercial mixture has a positive impact to the utilisation of dietary nutrients in piglets in the post-weaning period especially immediately after weaning. The influence of lecithin on the occurrence ofhaemolytic strains of Escherichia coli was not proved. The lecithin emulsifier supplement had a positive effect on the efficiency of piglets.