Long-Term Storage of Brewers Grains with No Additives in the Bag

LOUČKA, Radko, TYROLOVÁ, Yvona, HOMOLKA, Petr, JANČÍK, Filip, KUBELKOVÁ, Petra a VÝBORNÁ, Alena., 2016 Long-Term Storage of Brewers Grains with No Additives in the Bag. In Forage Conservation. Nitra: National Agricultural and Food Centre, s. 171-172. ISSN
Internal link16141.pdf

Wet Brewers‘ Grains = WBG has been commonly stored with the help of a system of plastic bags filled with WBG directly from the body of a truck. As, due to technological reasons, a preservative cannot be applied when filling the bag directly from the body of a truck, it is recommended in practice to feed the WBG to livestock within two weeks from storage. But such period is relatively short for some farmers with lower numbers of livestock.