Does rearing calves in calf hutches reserves?

MALÁ, Gabriela, a NOVÁK, Pavel., 2016 Does rearing calves in calf hutches reserves?. In Farmářský den, Velká Chyška. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 22-25. ISSN
Internal link16196.pdf

The aim of our study was to draw attention breeder to the most common reserves in the rearing of calves in hutches. Reserves were determined on the basis of long-term analysis of rearing calves in hutches in operating conditions of selected 46 farms of dairy cattle in the Czech Republic with various sizes of basic herd. The most common deficiencies that occur in rearing calves in hutches during the milk period include: improper placement calf hutches, lack of spatial isolation, unsuitable subsoil, inadequate thickness of bedding, wet bedding, unsuitable roofing of feeder space, microclimate in hutches during extreme macroclimatic conditions, operating blindness.