Mastitis and production and economic losses of milk production

KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Mastitis and production and economic losses of milk production. Náš chov, Praktická příručka, 2017, vol. 77(6), p. 37-40. ISSN .
Internal link17058.pdf

In line with the principles of the Common Agricultural Policy of the Union, increasing attention is paid to food quality and safety and the possibilities of improving the economy of milk production. These factors are a significant stimulus to reduce the inflammation of the mammary gland of cows. Mastitis is one of the most common and most expensive diseases of dairy cows. Literary data show that the limit of the number of somatic cell counts between healthy and inflamed wound is most commonly reported between 100 and 150 (200) thousand in milliliters. Production losses caused by mastitis include lower milk production, higher replacement herd, worse fertility, higher labor consumption. The economic losses are then represented mainly by lower sales of milk (lower purchase price due to lower fat or protein), higher costs of herd replacement, worse fertility rates, etc. Indicative calculations show that one outbreak of clinical mastitis resulted in a decrease in milk yield of approximately 335 kg. The average loss for one clinical disease of the mammary gland is 9 090 CZK and the loss caused by subclinical inflammation of the mammary gland can be estimated at 3 800 CZK.