Possibilities of application of infrared thermography in cattle breeding

HODKOVICOVÁ, N., NOVÁK, Pavel a BERNARDY, J., 2020 Possibilities of application of infrared thermography in cattle breeding. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2020. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živičišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 25-28. ISSN 978-80-7403-240-0
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One of the key methods for evaluating individual’s health status is the temperature analysis and its comparison with physiological range. In case of veterinary medicine, temperature is most often determined rectally, which is associated with an increase of stress level and with considerable time requirements for the examination. Infrared thermography (IRT) is a modern and non-invasive method of surface temperature detection in human medicine, which has come to the forefront of veterinář), medicine in recent years as well. Extending its application to disease diagnosis in livestock f arming could provide an easier way to obtain reproducible and relevant data