Estimation of breeding value for type traits description of young animals of beef cattle

VESELÁ, Z., PŘIBYL, J., ŠAFUS, P., VOSTRÝ, L., ŠEBA, K. & ŠTOLC, L.. Odhad plemenné hodnoty pro popis zevnějšku mladých zvířat masného skotu. Náš chov. 2005, roč. 65, č. 6, s. 28-32.
VESELÁ, Zdeňka, PŘIBYL, Josef, ŠAFUS, Petr, VOSTRÝ, Luboš, ŠEBA, K. and ŠTOLC, L. Estimation of breeding value for type traits description of young animals of beef cattle. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(6), p. 28-32. ISSN 0027-8068.
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The model for routine estimation of breeding value for type traits description of young beef cattle and it was subsequently used for the data evaluation in 2004. It is suitable to change the method of evaluation of body height and live weight to correspond evaluations of the other traits. In practice using a smaller number of evaluated traits is possible.