Partial Domestic Milk Test-Day-Records and Global De-Regressed Breeding Values in Common Random Regression Evaluatio

PŘIBYL, Josef, BAUER, Jiří, PŘIBYLOVÁ, Jana, ŠPLÍCHAL, Jiří, VOSTRÝ, Luboš a ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, 2017 Partial Domestic Milk Test-Day-Records and Global De-Regressed Breeding Values in Common Random Regression Evaluatio. In XXI. Summer School of Biometrics. Brno: Mendelova univerzita, s. 57. ISSN
Internal link17102.pdf

Genetic merit in small populations of dairy cattle is strongly influenced by foreign bulls, which limits accuracy of evaluation of young domestic animals. Inclusion of global Interbull values into domestic evaluation could help. Domestic genomic evalu­ation is by single step ssGBLUP in the random regression test-day model (RRTDM).