Using boluses to improve rumen function

VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI a NUTRIVET, S.R.O. POHOŘELICE.. Using boluses to improve rumen function. Authors: LOUČKA, Radko, HOMOLKA, Petr, JANČÍK, Filip, KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika, KUBELKOVÁ, Petra, TYROLOVÁ, Yvona, VÝBORNÁ, Alena and JAMBOR, Václav.. Česká republika. Certifikovaná metodika 978-80-7403-196-0. 2018-08-06.
CathegoryMethodologies and software
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The aim of the methodology is to familiarize the public with some of the existing possibilities and reasons for the use of boluses to improve the function of ruminant rumen and to recommend methods of their application. The bolus is a single or batch dose of some medication, such as prolonged-acting drugs. It is a capsule, or a big pill, in which the means is closed until it arrives at its destination. There are 4 types of boluses and 2 ways of their application. A contract on the application of the presented methodology was signed with the user of the technology, Agrosumak, a.s. based in Suchdol nad Odrou.