Prevention of ketosis and acidosis and udder health

KOUKOLOVÁ, M., LÁCHOVÁ, J. & ČERMÁKOVÁ, J. Prevence acidózy a ketózy a zdraví mléčné žlázy. Náš chov, 2016, roč. 76, č. 2, s. 64-68.{INTLINK}
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, LÁCHOVÁ, Jitka and ČERMÁKOVÁ, Jana. Prevention of ketosis and acidosis and udder health. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(2), p. 64-68. ISSN .
Internal link16006.pdf

Ketosis and acidosis are metabolic disorders typically occurring in fresh dairy cows. Hence these disorders are also called production diseases. The main cause of ketosis is a lack of glucose for milk production. Prevention of ketosis and fatty liver and preparation for the next lactation involves adequate nutrition at the end of the previous lactation. Dairy cows should have optimal condition during the dry period. The best strategy for dry-cow feeding appears to be still the most widely used method of feeding based on good quality roughages with concentrate supplementation last 21 days before planned calving. The addition of concentrates increases feed intake, which is very important to prevent development of fatty liver and ketosis. In addition to diet changes feed additives such as choline, niacin, biotin and glukoplastic substances are used to in prevention of the ketosis.