Feed restriction and meat quality in broiler rabbits

ČESKÁ ZEMĚDĚLSKÁ UNIVERZITA V PRAZE a VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Feed restriction and meat quality in broiler rabbits. Authors: CHODOVÁ, Darina, TŮMOVÁ, Eva and VOLEK, Zdeněk.. Česká republika. Certifikovaná metodika 978-80-213-2794-8. 2017-11-29.
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The methodic evaluates effect of feed restriction on carcass composition, physical properties of meat quality and muscle fibre characteristics in broiler rabbits Hyplus. In the methodic, the effect of one week feed restriction applied one week after classic weaning (experiment 1) or one week after early weaning at 25 days (experiment 2) with an intensity 50 or 65 g per rabbit per day is compared. For rabbits with normal weaning time, the restriction did not affect the meat quality and the percentage of valuable parts, but it reduced the dressing out percentage. Feed restriction in early-weaned rabbits did not affect the growth, carcass value and physical properties of meat quality, but it affected the muscle fibre characteristics, which can improve the taste of the meat.