Yearbook 2014 of Cattle Breeding in Czech Republic

KVAPILÍK, J., RŮŽIČKA, Z. & BUCEK, P. Ročenka 2014 Chov skotu v České republice Praha: Českomoravská společnost chovatelů, 2015, s. ISBN {INTLINK}
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich., RŮŽIČKA, Z. and BUCEK, P. Yearbook 2014 of Cattle Breeding in Czech Republic. Praha: Českomoravská společnost chovatelů, 2015, 82 p. ISBN
No. of pages82
Internal link15076.pdf

Yearbook represents the most important information in cattle breeding in the Czech Republic in 2014 and points to trends over the past years. Details are dedicated to the production of milk where an increase totals milk production per year and growth was also evident in the annual milk yield.