Construction Hygienic Parameters of the Livestock Housing

NOVÁK, P., MALÁ, G., LENDELOVÁ, J. & TITTL, K. Stavebně hygienické ukazatele objektů pro ustájení zvířat. In Vidiecke stavby v európskych regiónoch III. Nitra: SPU, 2015, s. 103-111.{INTLINK}
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela, LENDELOVÁ, J. a TITTL, K., 2015 Construction Hygienic Parameters of the Livestock Housing. In Vidiecke stavby v európskych regiónoch III. Nitra: SPU, s. 103-111. ISSN 978-80-552-1399-6
CathegoryEntries in proceedings
Internal link15127.pdf

The present work is focused on the analysis of the importance of hygiene indicators of the construction of buildings for animal housing with an emphasis thermal insulation properties of stable structures perimeters stable from the point of question thermal balance and ventilation in relation to safeguard the health, welfare and economic profitability of livestock.