Strategic decisions for growers.

LOUČKA, R. Strategická rozhodnutí pro pěstitele. Zemědělec, 2015, roč. 23, č. 47, s. 16-28.{INTLINK}
LOUČKA, Radko. Strategic decisions for growers.. Zemědělec, 2015, vol. 23(47), p. 16-28. ISSN .
Internal link15185.pdf

In 2015 it was shown how great strategic importance to maize. It was unusual long-lasting drought. of maize yields and quality were a third lower than in other years. Lack of capacity and energy grain must somehow replace the animals, biogas stations may need to reduce performance. Drought may adversely affect the aerobic stability of silage. Choice of hybrids of is one of the most important managerial decisions in the production of silage.