Turning attention to genetic health of cattle: pedigree analysis of congenital defect

ČÍTEK, Jindřich, ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa, ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, SCHRÖFFELOVÁ, Daniela, VEČEREK, Libor a HOLUBOVÁ, Nikola., 2020 Turning attention to genetic health of cattle: pedigree analysis of congenital defect. In Generace za generací: šlechtění v našich chovech. Sborník ze semináře u příležitosti 90. narození prof. Václava Jakubce, DrSc.. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústasv živočišné výroby v.v.i., s. 16-29. ISSN 978-80-7403-236-3
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In the Czech Republic, the control of genetic health was abolished. On the example of one congenital defect of cattle, atresia ani et recti, the risk of such approach is demonstrated. The defect is hereditary, and sires with affected offspring should be eliminated from reproduction. Carelessness results in the spread of undesirable alleles in the population.