The Effect of Phytase Source and Limestone Particle Size on Performance and Egg Quality of Hens

ENGLMAIEROVÁ, M. & SKŘIVAN, M. Vliv zdroje fytázy a velikosti částic vápence na užitkovost a kvalitu vajec slepic. In XI. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita, 2015, s. 39-43.{INTLINK}
ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela a SKŘIVAN, Miloš., 2015 The Effect of Phytase Source and Limestone Particle Size on Performance and Egg Quality of Hens. In XI. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita, s. 39-43. ISSN
Internal link15205.pdf

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of phytase source (without phytase, 3-phytase Natuphos at 300 FTU/kg, 6-phytase Optiphos CT at 300 FTU/kg) and two levels of limestone particle size (fine limestone (JV; < 0.5 mm) and coarse limestone (DV; 1 - 2 mm)) in hen diets on performance and egg quality characteristics. Significant interactions were ascertained in egg weight (P = 0.044) and most eggshell quality parameters (P < 0.001). The inclusion of coarse limestone with a particle size of 1-2 mm in wheat-corn mixed feed for hens can improve the egg production without a negative impact on egg weight. Furthermore, the combination of this coarse limestone with both 3-phytase Natuphos and 6-phytase Optiphos at 300 FTU/kg increased eggshell quality