Nutrition of lactating sows

BĚLKOVÁ, J. & VÁCLAVKOVÁ, E. Výživa kojících prasnic. Krmivářství, 2015, roč. 19, č. 2, s. 24-25.{INTLINK}
BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava and VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva. Nutrition of lactating sows. Krmivářství, 2015, vol. 19(2), p. 24-25. ISSN .
Internal link15030.pdf

The article describes nutrition requirements of lactating sows. Lactation is a critical period in the life of a sow. During a relatively short period it has to produce a great amount of milk with a high concentration of nutrients. In order for a sow to achieve a high rate of milk production, the appropriate amount of nutrients must be available, which makes heavy demands on the supply with energy, amino acids and another nutrients.