Providing a feed base with regard to possible climate change

LOUČKA, Radko, JANČÍK, Filip and TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Providing a feed base with regard to possible climate change. Praha: Agrární komora ČR, 2019, 87 p. ISBN 978-80-88351-05-4
CathegoryMonographs, brochures, book chapters
No. of pages87
Internal link19281.pdf

Climate change has a major impact on nutrition and consequently on livestock performance. If, in the course of a year, drought fails to provide animal feed with the required quantity and quality, this will significantly affect their welfare, health and performance. At the beginning, opinions of experts and politicians are mentioned on climate phenomena. The effects of drought should be prepared primarily by creating feed stocks. The book proposes measures that could at least mitigate the negative effects of climate change. They are divided into the application of elements of precision agriculture, the selection of crops with higher drought tolerance, changes in cultivation, harvesting and preservation of forage, optimization of the feed base and other feed and breeding measures.