De novo formation of nucleoli in developing mouse embryos originating from enucleolated oocytes

KYOGOKU, H., FULKA, Josef Jr., WAKAYAMA, T. a MI, T.YANO De novo formation of nucleoli in developing mouse embryos originating from enucleolated oocytes. Development, 2014, 141, 2255-2259. ISSN 0950-1991.
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Interní odkaz14047.pdf

It is commonly accepted that nucleoli in one-cell stage embryos are gradually transformed into differentiated tripartite nucleoli. In our article, we break this dogma as we show, that when nucleoli are removed from late one-cell stage embryos, these embryos develop with a de novo formation of nucleoli.

ProjektPřenosy jader somatických buněk u savců - reprogramace, remodelace nebo obojí?
OdděleníBiologie reprodukce
Pracovní skupinaEmbryobiotechnologie