Production abilities and forage quality of selected species of Bromus family in the first year after renovation

KOHOUTEK, A., KOMÁREK, P., KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, NERUŠIL, P., ODSTRČILOVÁ, V. a NĚMCOVÁ, P. Production abilities and forage quality of selected species of Bromus family in the first year after renovation. Grassland Science , 2012, 17, 370-372. ISSN 1744-6961.
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In 2008 a trial was established at the Jevfoko site on Fluvisol (345 m above sea level, 7.4 degrees C, long-term rainfall average 545 mm) by a method of quick renovation of permanent grassland with three Bromus species: Bromus inermis Leysser cv. Tabrom (smooth brome), Bromus marginatus Nees es Steud cv. Tacit (mountain brome), Bromus sitchensis Trin. in Bong cv. Tambor (Alaska brome). The trial was fertilized with N 180 kg ha(-1) in the form of ammonium nitrate with lime, 35 kg ha(-1) P and 100 kg ha(-1) K; four-cut utilization, first cut on 29 April, then 45 days between cuts. Dry matter production in the first utilization year 2009 reached 14.12 t ha(-1) for smooth brome, 17.67 t ha(-1) for mountain brome, and 16.86 t ha(-1) for Alaska brome. The quality of forage dry matter in 2009 was evaluated by NIR Systems 6500. The parameters measured were crude protein, fibre, NEL (net energy of lactation), NEF (net energy of fattening). The objective is to compare production abilities and forage quality of three Bromus species in the conditions of the Czech Republic.

ProjektStudium hlavních faktorů ovlivňujících stabilitu trvale udržitelného systému obhospodařování travních porostů v České republice
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