Awards of Institute researchers

The book „Evaluation of feed for dairy cows (and biogas plants)” was awarded a gold medal in the National show of livestock and agricultural technics in Brno, June 2013. The members of the team of authors are
Petr Homolka
Filip Jančík
Veronika Koukolová
Radko Loučka
Yvona Tyrolová

from the Department of nutrition of farm animals.


OceneniAlso congratulate our young researchers to award their excellence in competition, organized annually by the Minister of Agriculture.
In the category of Award of the Minister of Agriculture for young researchers, the second place won Ing. Michaela Englmaierová, Ph.D., for a publication "Efficiacy of contrast levels of non-phytate phosphorus and Aspergillus niger phytase in hens fed wheat-maize-based diets".

predavani cenIn the category of Award for the Best result of research and experimental development also won second place Ing. Stanislav Staněk for the  “Milk cart for the raw milk or milk replacer with heating and pasteurization ".

The awards were presented at the opening of the national exhibition Bread Basket in Czech Budejovice on August 29, 2013


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