The Přeštice Black-Pied pigs have been reared on the swine farm in Kostelec nad Orlicí since 2009. It is a native Czech breed originating from West Bohemia, mainly from the submontane regions of Přeštice, Domažlice and Klatovy. The farm is involved in the program of genetic resources protection as a specialized workplace for cryopreservation of semen and other biological materials. In 2016, the herd was recognized as the nucleus genetic herd producing replacement gilts and boars both for the Kostelec nad Orlicí farm and other swine farms.
There are 17 breeding sows in the nucleus herd and 9 boars at the AI stud. The semen is distributed to the other swine farms and some is used within research projects. Another activity connected with the Prestice Black-Pied pig is semen cryopreservation. The quality of frozen semen stored in cryobank is continually tested. In 2017, 400 semen doses for the direct use were produced by the nucleus herd boars at the Institute of Animal Science AI stud in Kostelec nad Orlicí. The semen straws were distributed to the genetic resource farms and 1580 cryopreserved straws were stored in the genetic bank.