In the Czech TV show Good Morning broadcast on Monday, February 22, 2021, reproductive biologist Josef Fulka explained how the cloning works and how far the scientists have come since the first successful experiment. Josef Fulka, D.Sc. is a researcher at the Biology of Reproduction department of the Institute of Animal Science Prague-Uhříněves and is also a member of the Center for Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering at the Charles University Second Medical School.
In an online session on commercial cloning and pet cloning, Josef Fulka explained the principles of cloning, tried to identify important milestones, talked about the ethical aspect of cloning in humans and mentioned that it´s been 25 years since scientists cloned Dolly the sheep. Above all, he talked about his daughter Helena Fulková, the first Czech scientist who cloned a mouse, thus increasing insight into cell reproduction and reprogramming.