Presentation of the course and results of the internships of Nicole Lebedová in the USA and Barbara Valníčková in Israel

In March, a workshop was held at the Institute of Animal Science (IAS) where the course and results of the internships of Nicole Lebedová, Ph.D. at the University of Nevada, Reno, USA and Barbora Valníčková, Ph.D. at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel were presented. The workshop was carried out within the return phase of the project „International Mobility of IAS“.

The main benefit of Nicole Lebedová’s internship was the establishment of new international cooperation. She learned new laboratory techniques, procedures in meat processing, meat quality evaluation and state-of-the-art U.S. carcass evaluation systems. In the future, University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and IAS plan to participate jointly in research projects (e.g. bilateral Czech-US projects) and related future publication activities.

Barbora Valníčková was involved in the research work team work at the „Lab for computational positive neurosciences, behaviour, personality and cognition“ at the Department of Animal Sciences of the Hebrew University. She participated in projects related to livestock personality and preparation of algorithms, joined their current investigations, participated in the collection and evaluation of data and acquired new skills in the field of computational neurosciences, learned the basics of programming and machine learning, later applicable in the research carried out in at IAS.

The project International Mobility IAS č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0017294 is funded by Evropean Union.

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