International Mobility IAS

Project no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0017294 (EF18_053/0017294)
ProviderMŠMT ČR

The project „INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY OF VUŽV“ is co-financed by the European Union. The project is aimed at strengthening international cooperation between the Institute of Animal Science foreign research institutions. The strengthening of international cooperation will lead to the acquisition of new information, the learning of new scientific procedures and the familiarisation with the ways of scientific work practiced in foreign institutions. By linking and sharing knowledge and experience, the internationalisation of the scientific community will be enhanced. Young researchers will gain new experience and suggestions through contact with a specialist from abroad, as well as through a trip to a foreign institution, which they will subsequently apply in their own research carried out in the interest of the development of Czech science and society. For senior scientists, a long-term internship or contact with a foreign scientist will provide an opportunity to break away from established practices, and a new perspective on topics within a given field of science. In the area of administration, we expect to gain deeper expertise and closer links between staff and foreign institutions, creating a basis for long-term cooperation and thus involvement in international projects. The ultimate goal in the long term is to increase the ability of the VÚŽV to participate in international scientific project consortia.

Period2021 - 2023
Databse link (CZ)