New approaches in piglet production with focus on welfare, environmental protection and production economics
Provider | MZE ČR |
Description | The aim of the project is to map the housing systems of farrowing and lactating sows in the Czech |
Period | 2023 - 2025 |
Databse link (CZ) | QK23020085 |
Economic aspects of pig breeding
Economic aspects of pig breeding
Current trends in pig breeding
Pig Breeding
Pigs and environmental politics
Effect of Housing Technology for Lactating Sows on their Reproduction Parameters
Housing Systems for Lactating Sows or From Crates to Alternatives: Permanent crate housing system Part 1
Care of piglets from birth to weaning
Alternative sources of protein for pigs
The effect of different farrowing housing systems on the reproductive performance of sows and the losses and growth of piglets
Alternative sources of proteins in farm animal feeding
Housing and living conditions of pigs
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