Addressing the problem of the occurrence of bacterial, protozoan and viral zoonotic agents in small ruminant breeds
Project no. QK1910082
Category PROJEKTY NAZV / National Agency for Agricultural Research PROJECTS
Gene activity modification caused by caseous lymphadenitis in sheep
Differential gene expression associated with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in sheep
Whole blood transcriptome analysis in sheep affected with caseous lymphadenitis.
Diagnosis of bacterial causal agents from abscess of small ruminants by means of the xMAP multiplex method
Comparative Characterization of Immune Response in Sheep with Caseous Lymphadenitis through Analysis of the Whole Blood Transcriptome
Pseudotuberculosis in Sheep Flocks:a Contagious Zoonoses Research Project and its Findings in regard to the Possibilities of Breeding for Genetic Resistance
Primer set for detection of single nucleotide polymorphism in the interferon gamma (IFNG) gene in sheep
Differential gene expression associated with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in sheep
Whole blood transcriptome analysis in sheep affected with caseous lymphadenitis.
Diagnosis of bacterial causal agents from abscess of small ruminants by means of the xMAP multiplex method
Comparative Characterization of Immune Response in Sheep with Caseous Lymphadenitis through Analysis of the Whole Blood Transcriptome
Pseudotuberculosis in Sheep Flocks:a Contagious Zoonoses Research Project and its Findings in regard to the Possibilities of Breeding for Genetic Resistance
Primer set for detection of single nucleotide polymorphism in the interferon gamma (IFNG) gene in sheep
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