Reduction the use of antibiotics by environmentally-friendly prebiotic and probiotic feed additives in the nutrition of calves

Project no. QK1910438
Category PROJEKTY NAZV / National Agency for Agricultural Research PROJECTS
ProviderMZE ČR

The aim of the project is to evaluate the impact of selected environmentally friendly feed additives (probiotics, prebiotics) and various methods of housing on the diarrheal diseases of calves, increase in weight gains and nutrient conversion and their health and immune status. The subsequent aim of the project is improve the level of welfare and biosecurity, farm economic efficiency and reduce the presence of medical products level in the food chain.

Period2019 - 2023
Databse link (CZ)QK1910438

GAISLEROVÁ, Marie. Vitamin A in cattle nutrition. Krmivářství, 2024, vol. 28(1), p. 25. ISSN . 2024
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, David and KOČÍ, Martina Effect of environmental enrichment on dairy calves. Náš chov, 2024, vol. 84(2), p. 45-47. ISSN 0027-8068. 2024
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, David and KOČÍ, Martina. Calf stocking density versus health and performance. Náš chov, 2023, vol. 83(2), p. 47-49. ISSN 0027-8068. 2023
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Management of rearing of group-housed calves. Authors: MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, David and KOČÍ, Martina.. Česká republika. Certifikovaná metodika 978-80-7403-297-4. 2023-12-18. 2023
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, David and KOČÍ, Martina. Management of pair housed calves. Náš chov, 2023, vol. 83(9), p. 42-44. ISSN 0027-8068. 2023
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, KOČÍ, Martina, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška a PROCHÁZKA, David., 2023 The effect of age grouping on performance and health pair-housed calves. In Magyar Buiatrikus Társaság XXXI. Nemzetközi Tudományos Kongresszusa. Budapest, Hungary: Hungarian Association for Buiatrics, s. 131-137. ISSN 2023
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, PRÁŠEK, Josef and ZÁBRANSKÝ, Luboš. The effect of group housing on behaviour, growth performance, and health of dairy calves. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2023, 92, 109-115. ISSN 0001-7213. 2023
ZÁBRANSKÝ, Luboš, POLÍVKOVÁ, Denisa, ŠOCH, Miloslav, ŠEBKOVÁ, Anna, BRABENEC, Vojtěch, KERNEROVÁ, Naděžda, MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, GÁLIK, Branislav, HANUŠOVSKÝ, Ondřej, ROLINEC, Michal, MERCY, Umezurike Ngozi, HORŇÁKOVÁ, Lubica, VALENČÁKOVÁ-AGYASOVÁ The impact of probiotics in the nutrition of calves on live weight gain and on health status. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2023, 24, 809-816. ISSN 1332-9049. 2023
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, David a KOČÍ, Martina., 2023 Effect of increased stocking density on microclimate, health and growth of calves. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2023. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 65-67. ISSN 978-80-7403-301-8 2023
HOMOLKA, Petr, GAISLEROVÁ, Marie and KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika. Nutrients and vitamins requirements of calves. Krmivářství, 2023, vol. 27(5), p. 22-25. ISSN . 2023
GAISLEROVÁ, Marie, HOMOLKA, Petr and KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika. Nutrient and mineral nutrition of heifers. Náš chov, 2023, vol. 83(11), p. 68-71. ISSN . 2023
HOMOLKA, Petr, GAISLEROVÁ, Marie and KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika. New knowledges in calf nutrition. Krmivářství, 2022, vol. 26(6), p. 30-32. ISSN . 2022
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, Pavel and KOČÍ, Martina. Probiotics - an integral part of the prevention of calf diseases. Náš chov, 2022, vol. 82(12), p. 56-58. ISSN 0027-8068. 2022
MALÁ, Gabriela and NOVÁK, Pavel. Probiotics - the possibilty of reducing the consumption of antimicrobials during the calf rearing. Náš chov, 2022, vol. 82(11), p. 61-63. ISSN 0027-8068. 2022
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, David a KOČÍ, Martina., 2022 The effect of the calves´ age on moving to group housing on their performance, health and welfare. In Abstract Book ISAH 2022. Berlin, Deutschland: Department of Veterinary Medicine, Freie Universität Berlin, s. 171. ISSN 2022
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, David a KOČÍ, Martina., 2022 The effect of disinfection of the stable environment on the calf health. In Sborník XIV. konference DDD 2022 - Přívorovy dny. Praha: Sdružení pracovníků dezinfekce, dezinsekce, deratizace ČR, z.s., s. 20. ISSN 2022
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, David and KOČÍ, Martina. The effect of the breeding environment sanitation on the calf health. Náš chov, 2022, vol. 82(6), p. 46-48. ISSN 0027-8068. 2022
KLÍR, Jan, MALÁ, Gabriela, ZÁBRANSKÝ, Luboš, NOVÁK, Pavel, PRÁŠEK, Josef, SMOLA, Jiří a SYRŮČEK, Jan., 2021 Farming Day - Calf rearing on the pillory. In Uspořádání workshopu. Online: 2021-11-30, s. . ISSN 2021
MALÁ, Gabriela and NOVÁK, Pavel. Housing for unweaned dairy calves. In Bovine Prenatal, Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine. Budapest, Hungary: Hungarian Association for Buiatrics, 2021, s. 309-341. ISBN 978-615-01-3935-7. 2021
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela a PRÁŠEK, Josef., 2021 How is it possible to reduce antimicrobial resistance in calf rearing?. In Farmářský den - odchov telat na pranýři. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i. a Česká technologická platforma pro zemědělství, s. 18-19. ISSN 2021
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, David a KOČÍ, Martina., 2021 Where is the calf housing directed?. In Farmářský den - odchov telat na pranýři. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i. a Česká technologická platforma pro zemědělství, s. 12-14. ISSN 2021
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška and PROCHÁZKA, David. Does calf age at pairing have effect on the performance and health?. Náš chov, 2021, vol. 81(2), p. 55-58. ISSN 0027-8068. 2021
ZÁBRANSKÝ, Luboš, BROŽ, Petr, ŠOCH, Miloslav, MALÁ, Gabriela and NOVÁK, Pavel. Colostrum management and calf care. Náš chov, 2021, vol. 81(Speciální příloha Jak na správný odchov telat), p. 10-13. ISSN . 2021
POBORSKÁ, A., STRNAD, L., HAVRDOVÁ, N., ZÁBRANSKÝ, L.M ŠOCH, M., NOVÁK, Pavel a MALÁ, Gabriela., 2021 Possibilities of using probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics as an alternative leading to a reduction in the use of antibiotics in ruminants. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2021. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., s. 91-93. ISSN 978-80-7403-263-9 2021
ZÁBRANSKÝ, Luboš, POBORSKÁ, Anna, MALÁ, Gabriela, GÁLIK, Branislav, PETRÁŠKOVÁ, Eva, KERNEROVÁ, Naděžda, HANUŠOVSKÝ, Ondřej and KUČERA, Josef. Probiotic and prebiotic feed additives in calf nutrition. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2021, 22, 14-18. ISSN 1332-9049. 2021
HAVRDOVÁ, N., PECOVÁ, L., KUČERA, J., POBORSKÁ,A., ZÁBRANSKÝ, L., ŠOCH, M., NOVÁK, Pavel a MALÁ, Gabriela., 2021 Animal hygiene and environmental influence on parasite resistance in small ruminant farms. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2021. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., s. 23-25. ISSN 978-80-7403-263-9 2021
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, PROCHÁZKA, David and KOČÍ, Martina. Hygiene of breeding environment is the basis of rearing healthy calves. Náš chov, 2020, vol. 80(6), p. 55-56. ISSN 0027-8068. 2020
MALÁ, Gabriela and NOVÁK, Pavel. What are the difficulty of automated milk feeders for dairy calves?. Náš chov, 2020, vol. 80(7), p. 54-55. ISSN 0027-8068. 2020
NOVÁK, Pavel and MALÁ, Gabriela. Critical period of rearing calves or calves also have their days. Náš chov, 2020, vol. 80(6), p. 58-60. ISSN 0027-8068. 2020
GAISLEROVÁ, Marie, HOMOLKA, Petr, KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika, KUBELKOVÁ, Petra and JANČÍK, Filip. Feed from oil production - rape in ruminant nutrition. Krmivářství, 2020, vol. 24(1), p. 30-32. ISSN . 2020
PRÁŠEK, Josef, NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela and SMOLA, Jiří. Mastitis management and risks of robotic milking system. Náš chov, 2020, vol. 80(7), p. 60-61. ISSN 0027-8068. 2020
GAISLEROVÁ, Marie, HOMOLKA, Petr and KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika. Effective feed preservation. Krmivářství, 2020, vol. 24(2), p. 26-28. ISSN . 2020
MALÁ, Gabriel, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, PROCHÁZKA, David and KOČÍ, Martina. The effect of group housing calves on performance and welfare. Náš chov, 2020, vol. 80(9), p. 64-66. ISSN 0027-8068. 2020
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela and PRÁŠEK, Josef. Influence of the calves rearing system on health and antimicrobials consumption. Náš chov, 2020, vol. 80(9), p. 48-50. ISSN 0027-8068. 2020
NOVÁK, Pavel a MALÁ, Gabriela., 2019 Analysis of welfare, health and biosecurity in calves farms. In Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Welfare. České Budějovice: Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, s. . ISSN 978-80-7394-771-2 2019
NOVÁK, Pavel and MALÁ, Gabriela. Is there a relationship between farm animal welfare and antimicrobial resistance?. Veterinářství, 2019, vol. 69(11), p. 763-767. ISSN 0506-8231. 2019
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, HOMOLKA, Petr and KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika. Evaluation of crude protein in ruminant nutrition. Krmivářství, 2019, vol. 23(4), p. 34-36. ISSN . 2019
NOVÁK, Pavel a MALÁ, Gabriela., 2019 Livestock and antimicrobial resistance - what to do next?. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2019. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústasv živočišné výroby v.v.i., s. 49-53. ISSN 978-80-7403-226-4 2019
NOVÁK, Pavel a MALÁ, Gabriela., 2019 Even the calf has its days, or more does not always mean better. In Farmářský den - výzkum praxi. : , s. 19-24. ISSN 2019
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela and JAROLÍMKOVÁ, Alžběta. Where are the critical points in meat cattle breeding?. Náš chov, 2019, vol. 79(3), p. 79-80. ISSN . 2019
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela, JAROLÍMKOVÁ, A. a VOKŘÁLOVÁ, J., 2019 Critical periods of calves rearing. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2019. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústasv živočišné výroby v.v.i., s. . ISSN 978-80-7403-226-4 2019
GAISLEROVÁ, Marie, HOMOLKA, Petr and KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika. Management of calves feeding - feed additives. Krmivářství, 2019, vol. 23(6), p. 13-14. ISSN . 2019
MALÁ, Gabriela and NOVÁK, Pavel. Pilot study on the effect of paired calf housing on performance and welfare. Veterinářství, 2019, vol. 69(11), p. 756-761. ISSN 0506-8231. 2019
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, PROCHÁZKA, David a SLAVÍKOVÁ, Martina., 2019 Group housing of calves is not without risk. In Farmářský den - výzkum praxi. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústasv živočišné výroby v.v.i., s. 25-28. ISSN 2019
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, PROCHÁZKA, David a SLAVÍKOVÁ, Martina., 2019 The effect of housing system on behaviour of dairy calves. In Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene. Wroclaw, Polsko: Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, s. 45-47. ISSN 2019
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, PROCHÁZKA, David a SLAVÍKOVÁ, Martina., 2019 The effect of paired calf housing on performance and welfare. In Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Welfare. České Budějovice: Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, s. . ISSN 978-80-7394-771-2 2019
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, PROCHÁZKA, David a SLAVÍKOVÁ, Martina., 2019 The effect of paired housing on daily activity and welfare of calves. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2019. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 45-48. ISSN 978-80-7403-226-4 2019
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, HOMOLKA, Petr and KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika. Nutrition of dairy cows during heat stress. Zemědělec, 2019, vol. 27(35), p. 15-16. ISSN . 2019


Where are the critical points in meat cattle breeding?
The effect of housing system on behaviour of dairy calves
Evaluation of crude protein in ruminant nutrition
Nutrition of dairy cows during heat stress
Management of calves feeding - feed additives
The effect of paired calf housing on performance and welfare
Analysis of welfare, health and biosecurity in calves farms
Is there a relationship between farm animal welfare and antimicrobial resistance?
Pilot study on the effect of paired calf housing on performance and welfare
The effect of paired housing on daily activity and welfare of calves
Critical periods of calves rearing
Livestock and antimicrobial resistance - what to do next?
Group housing of calves is not without risk
Even the calf has its days, or more does not always mean better
Effective feed preservation
Hygiene of breeding environment is the basis of rearing healthy calves
Critical period of rearing calves or calves also have their days
Feed from oil production - rape in ruminant nutrition
What are the difficulty of automated milk feeders for dairy calves?
Mastitis management and risks of robotic milking system
Influence of the calves rearing system on health and antimicrobials consumption
The effect of group housing calves on performance and welfare
Does calf age at pairing have effect on the performance and health?
Animal hygiene and environmental influence on parasite resistance in small ruminant farms
Possibilities of using probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics as an alternative leading to a reduction in the use of antibiotics in ruminants
Colostrum management and calf care
Farming Day - Calf rearing on the pillory
How is it possible to reduce antimicrobial resistance in calf rearing?
Where is the calf housing directed?
The effect of disinfection of the stable environment on the calf health
Housing for unweaned dairy calves
The effect of the breeding environment sanitation on the calf health
Probiotic and prebiotic feed additives in calf nutrition
The effect of the calves´ age on moving to group housing on their performance, health and welfare
Probiotics - the possibilty of reducing the consumption of antimicrobials during the calf rearing
Probiotics - an integral part of the prevention of calf diseases
New knowledges in calf nutrition
Calf stocking density versus health and performance
The effect of group housing on behaviour, growth performance, and health of dairy calves
Management of pair housed calves
Nutrients and vitamins requirements of calves
The effect of age grouping on performance and health pair-housed calves
Nutrient and mineral nutrition of heifers
Effect of increased stocking density on microclimate, health and growth of calves
The impact of probiotics in the nutrition of calves on live weight gain and on health status
Management of rearing of group-housed calves
Effect of environmental enrichment on dairy calves
Vitamin A in cattle nutrition