Research, development and innovation in animal production: Applying scientific knowledge to increase competitiveness
Project no. TP01010047
Category PROJEKTY TA ČR / Technology Agency of the Czech Republic PROJECTS
Main author Kunc Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Provider | TA ČR |
Period | 2020 - 2022 |
Databse link (CZ) | |
Infrared camera protective cover for use in a stable environment
Weaning piglet feeding systems.
How to Ensure Suitable Fermentation in Silages and Rumen
Wolves in the Czech landscape - a source of disputes between farmers and conservationists
Preparation for reducing proteolysis of protein silages
Mixed feed for laying hens
And again those farrowing cages for sows
Two-component silage additiv
Preparation for reduction of proteolysis of protein silages
Basket sheathing for livestock
Effect of hemp seed and flaxseed in mixed feed for laying hens and chicken fattening; from theory to practice
Fencing herds against predators
Electric fence on wire fence
New findings about the use of hemp seed in the nutrition of laying hens and chickens
New findings about the use of hemp seed in the nutrition of laying hens and chickens
Functional sample Shelter covering
Functional sample Paddock fencing
Intelligent lighting control system
Energy passive outdoor housing for pigs in alternative systems
Inteligent system of lighting in stable
Energy passive outdoor housing for alternative breeding of pigs
Alternative farrowing pens - solution of space for piglets
Alternative farrowing pens - solution of space for piglets
Modern methods of silage and the use of silage in cattle feed rations
Covering the covered shelter with KARI networks
Paddock fencing with advanced wire
Technology of forage preservation with high dry matter by the addition of citric acid
Automatic non-contact body temperature measuring system
Increasing bone strength and egg quality due to feeding hemp and flax seed
Mixed feed for chickens containing hempseed and flaxseed
Mixed feed for broiler chickens fattening
Autonomous controller of sprinkler nozzles
Hemp seed together with flaxseed in chicken diet increases performance and quality of meat and bones
Cooling system for dairy cows with central autonomous control of sprinkler nozzles
Determination of NDF digestibility of maize silage by in vitro laboratory method
Apparatus for determining digestibility of NDF in feed
Hemp and flaxseed in mixed feed for laying hens and fattening chickens
New mixed feeds for chickens and laying hens developed at the Institute of Animal Science are sold by the Hemp Solution company
Weaning piglet feeding systems.
How to Ensure Suitable Fermentation in Silages and Rumen
Wolves in the Czech landscape - a source of disputes between farmers and conservationists
Preparation for reducing proteolysis of protein silages
Mixed feed for laying hens
And again those farrowing cages for sows
Two-component silage additiv
Preparation for reduction of proteolysis of protein silages
Basket sheathing for livestock
Effect of hemp seed and flaxseed in mixed feed for laying hens and chicken fattening; from theory to practice
Fencing herds against predators
Electric fence on wire fence
New findings about the use of hemp seed in the nutrition of laying hens and chickens
New findings about the use of hemp seed in the nutrition of laying hens and chickens
Functional sample Shelter covering
Functional sample Paddock fencing
Intelligent lighting control system
Energy passive outdoor housing for pigs in alternative systems
Inteligent system of lighting in stable
Energy passive outdoor housing for alternative breeding of pigs
Alternative farrowing pens - solution of space for piglets
Alternative farrowing pens - solution of space for piglets
Modern methods of silage and the use of silage in cattle feed rations
Covering the covered shelter with KARI networks
Paddock fencing with advanced wire
Technology of forage preservation with high dry matter by the addition of citric acid
Automatic non-contact body temperature measuring system
Increasing bone strength and egg quality due to feeding hemp and flax seed
Mixed feed for chickens containing hempseed and flaxseed
Mixed feed for broiler chickens fattening
Autonomous controller of sprinkler nozzles
Hemp seed together with flaxseed in chicken diet increases performance and quality of meat and bones
Cooling system for dairy cows with central autonomous control of sprinkler nozzles
Determination of NDF digestibility of maize silage by in vitro laboratory method
Apparatus for determining digestibility of NDF in feed
Hemp and flaxseed in mixed feed for laying hens and fattening chickens
New mixed feeds for chickens and laying hens developed at the Institute of Animal Science are sold by the Hemp Solution company
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