The development of livestock in multifunctional agriculture

Project no. RO0717
Category ZÁMĚRY MZe / Ministry of Agriculture RESEARCH PLANS
ProviderMZE ČR
Period2014 - 2017
Databse link (CZ)

NOVÁK, Pavel and MALÁ, Gabriela. African swine fever and biosecurity: Fighting with windmills?. Náš chov, 2018, vol. 78(5), p. 73-75. ISSN 0027-8068. 2018
GOUMON, Sébastien, LESZKOWOVÁ, Iva, ŠIMEČKOVÁ, Marie and ILLMANN, Gudrun. Sow stress levels and behavior and piglet performances in farrowing crates and farrowing pens with temporary crating. Journal of Animal Science, 2018, 96, 4571-4578. ISSN 0021-8812. 2018
ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela. Egg yolk colour and source of carotenoids. Výživa a potraviny, 2018, vol. 73(4), p. 106-109. ISSN 1211-846X. 2018
BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava, VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva, ROZKOT, Miroslav and KUCHAŘOVÁ, Stanislava. Acorns and Chestnuts as Important Commodities in Organic Pig Farming. Research in Pig Breeding, 2017, vol. 11(1), p. 7-12. ISSN 1802-7547. 2017
ROZKOT, M. a VÁCLAVKOVÁ, E., 2017 The trends in pig breeding.Castration problems. In Uspořádání semináře. Kostelec nad Orlicí: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. . ISSN 2017
STANĚK, Stanislav., 2017 Current trends in calf rearing in the milk nutrition period. In VÚVeL FEST III - od výzkumu k praxi, zdraví a produkce v chovech hospodářských zvířat. Brno: VÚVeL, s. prezentace 1-10. ISSN 2017
KOUBA, Marek, BARTOŠ, Luděk, ŠINDELÁŘ, Jiří and ŠŤASTNÝ, Karel. Alloparental care and adoption in Tengmalm’s Owl (Aegolius funereus). Journal of Ornithology, 2017, 158, 185-191. ISSN 0021-8375. 2017
KRPÁLKOVÁ, Lenka, SYRŮČEK, Jan, KVAPILÍK, Jindřich and BURDYCH, Jiří Analysis of milk production, age at first calving, calving interval and economic parameters in dairy cattle management  . Mljekarstvo , 2017, 67, 58-70. ISSN 0026-704X. 2017
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie and ČERMÁKOVÁ, Jana. Automation of feeding of dairy cattle. Zemědělec, 2017, vol. 25(39), p. 18-19. ISSN . 2017
ŠPINKA, Marek. Behaviour of Pigs. In The Ethology of Domestic Animals, 3rd Edition. Wallingford, UK: CABI, 2017, s. 214-227. ISBN 13: 9781786391650. 2017
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil a WOLFOVÁ, Marie., 2017 Bio-Economical Modelling of Pig Production Systems. In XXI. Summer School of Biometrics. Brno: Mendelova univerzita, s. 37-38. ISSN 2017
PŘIBYL, Josef, PŘIBYLOVÁ, Jana a VOSTRÝ, Luboš., 2017 Biometrical Approaches in Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals. In XXI. Summer School of Biometrics. Brno: Mendelova univerzita, s. 15. ISSN 2017
ŽALMANOVÁ, Tereza, HOŠKOVÁ, Kristýna, NEVORAL, Jan, ADÁMKOVÁ, Kateřina, KOTT, Tomáš, ŠULC, Miloslav, KOTÍKOVÁ, Zora, PROKEŠOVÁ, Šárka, JÍLEK, František, KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Milena and PETR, Jaroslav. Bisphenol S negatively affects the meotic maturation of pig oocytes  . Scientific Reports , 2017, 7, 485, 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322. 2017
KRUPA, Emil, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, ŽÁKOVÁ, Eliška and PŘIBYL, Josef. Breeding Objectives of Dam Pig Breeds of the Czech National Breeding Program Based on Reproduction Traits. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 2017, 82, 245-248. ISSN 1331-7768. 2017
KAŠNÁ, Eva, ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila a ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava., 2017 Breeding values for clinical mastitis in dairy cattle, comparison of several models and traits. In EAAP – 68th Annual Meeting, Tallinn 2017. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, s. 251. ISSN 2017
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, KRPÁLKOVÁ, Lenka and SYRŮČEK, Jan. Prices of milk and selected subsidies to prices in Germany. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(4), p. 32-34. ISSN . 2017
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, PŘIBYL, Josef, KRUPA, Emil and WOLFOVÁ, Marie. Claw Disease Incidence as a New Trait in the Breeding Goal for the Czech Holstein Population. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 2017, 82, 235-239. ISSN 1331-7768. 2017
MAROUNEK, Milan, VOLEK, Zdeněk, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva, TAUBNER, Tomáš, PEBRIANSYAH, Akhir and DUŠKOVÁ, Dagmar. Comparative study of the hypocholesterolemic and hypolipidemic activity of alginate and amidated alginate in rats. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 105, 620-624. ISSN 0141-8130. 2017
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, HOMOLKA, Petr a KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika., 2017 Cornell System In Ruminant Nutrition. In NutriNET 2017. České Budějovice: University of South Bohemia, s. 43-49. ISSN 978-80-7394-642-5 2017
SZTANKLÓOVÁ, Zuzana and RYCHTÁŘOVÁ, Jana. Current Status of Goat Farming in the Czech Republic. In Sustainable Goat Production in Adverse Environments:Volume II. Germany: Springer International Publishing, 2017, s. 245-257. ISBN 978-3-319-71293-2. 2017
NOVÁK, Karel, PIKOUSOVÁ, Jana, CZERNEKOVÁ, Vladimíra and MÁTLOVÁ, Věra. Diversity of the TLR4 Immunity Receptor in Czech Native Cattle Breeds Revealed Using the Pacific Biosciences Sequencing Platform. Animal Biotechnology, 2017, 28, 228-236. ISSN 1049-5398. 2017
SYRŮČEK, Jan, KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, BARTOŇ, Luděk, VACEK, Mojmír and STÁDNÍK, Luděk. Economic Efficiency of Bull Fattening Operations in the Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2017, 65, 527-536. ISSN 1211-8516. 2017
SYRŮČEK, Jan, KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, BARTOŇ, Luděk, VACEK, Mojmír and STÁDNÍK, Luděk. Economic efficiency of suckler cow herds in the Czech Republic. Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika , 2017, 63, 34-42. ISSN 0139-570X. 2017
BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava and VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva. Effective weaning of piglets. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(6), p. 71-72. ISSN . 2017
SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra, ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela, BENDOVÁ, Markéta and SKŘIVAN, Miloš. Effect of the source and level of carotenoids in diets on their retention in eggs. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 62, 323-330. ISSN 1212-1819. 2017
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona, BARTOŇ, Luděk and LOUČKA, Radko. Effects of biological and chemical additives on fermentation progress in maize silage. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 62, 306-312. ISSN 1212-1819. 2017
JANČÍK, Filip, KUBELKOVÁ, Petra, KUBÁT, Václav, KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie and HOMOLKA, Petr. Effects of drying procedures on chemical composition and nutritive value of alfalfa forage. South African Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 47, 96-101. ISSN 0375-1589. 2017
JOCH, Miroslav, KUDRNA, Václav, HUČKO, B. and MAROUNEK, Milan. Effects of geraniol and camphene on in vitro rumen fermentation and methane production. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 2017, 48, 63-69. ISSN 1211-3174. 2017
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich., 2017 Economic indicators of breeding and main production diseases of calves. In Farmářský den, Velká Chyška. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 17-22. ISSN 2017
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Economic indicators of breeding heifers in abroad. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(9), p. 86-89. ISSN . 2017
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, RYCHTÁŘOVÁ, Jana, KREJČOVÁ, Michaela and KRUPA, Emil. Economics of dairy sheep and goat farms in the CR.. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(11), p. 46-48. ISSN 0027-8068. 2017
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, VRÁBLÍK, M., KRUPA, Emil, SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena, KRUTINA, T. and PŘIBYL, Josef. Economics of Aberdeen angus beef cattle. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(8), p. 36-39. ISSN 0027-8068. 2017
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, VRÁBLIK, M., KRUPA, Emil, SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena, KRUTINA, T. and PŘIBYL, Josef. Economics of aberdeen angus breed. Zpravodaj Českého svazu chovatelů masného skotu, 2017, vol. 24(4), p. 40-41. ISSN . 2017
ŠPINKA, Marek., 2017 Enrichment for Pigs on Slatted Floors: Experiments on Low-Cost Objects. In Uspořádání semináře. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. . ISSN 2017
WOLFOVÁ, Marie, WOLF, Jochen, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil and ŽÁKOVÁ, Eliška. Estimation of economic values for traits of pig breeds in different breeding systems: I. Model development. Livestock Science, 2017, 205, 79-87. ISSN 1871-1413. 2017
KRUPA, Emil, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, WOLFOVÁ, Marie and ŽÁKOVÁ, Eliška. Estimation of economic values for traits of pig breeds in different breeding systems: II. Model application to a three-way crossing system. Livestock Science, 2017, 205, 70-78. ISSN 1871-1413. 2017
STANĚK, Stanislav, ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa,, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška, FALDYNA, M., ŠÁROVÁ, Radka, KREJČÍ, J. a FLEISCHER, Petr., 2017 Evaluation of colostrum quality in Czech dairy herds. In EAAP – 68th Annual Meeting, Tallinn 2017. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, s. 263. ISSN 2017
BARTOŇ, Luděk, BUREŠ, Daniel, KYSELOVÁ, Jitka, ŘEHÁK, Dalibor a ŠIMŮNEK, J., 2017 Expression of lipogenic genes and transcription factors measured in subcutaneous fat of heifers and bulls at different time points. In 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, s. 59-60. ISSN 2017
JOCHOVÁ, Martina, NOVÁK, Karel, KOTT, Tomáš, VOLEK, Zdeněk, MAJZLÍK, Ivan and TŮMOVÁ, Eva. Genetic characterization of Czech local rabbit breeds using microsatellite analysis. Livestock Science, 2017, 201, 41-49. ISSN 1871-1413. 2017
ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava, SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana and KAŠNÁ, Eva. Genetic parameters for clinical mastitis, fertility and somatic cell score in Czech Holstein cattle. Annals of Animal Science, 2017, 17, 1007-1018. ISSN 1642-3402. 2017
ČÍTEK, Jindřich, VOSTRÝ, Luboš, VOSTRÁ VYDROVÁ, Hana, BRZÁKOVÁ, Michaela and PRANTLOVÁ, V. Genetic parameters of insect bite hypersensitivity in the Old Grey Kladruber horse. Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 95, 53-58. ISSN 0021-8812. 2017
BRZÁKOVÁ, Michaela, ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, KAŠNÁ, Eva, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava a KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana., 2017 Genetic relationship between clinical mastitis, somatic cell score, longevity and reproduction trait. In EAAP – 68th Annual Meeting, Tallinn 2017. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, s. 249. ISSN 2017
NOVOTNÝ, Luboš, FRELICH, Jan, BERAN, Jan and ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila. Genetic relationship between type traits, number of lactations initiated, and lifetime milk performance in Czech Fleckvieh cattle. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 62, 501-510. ISSN 1212-1819. 2017
CZERNEKOVÁ, Vladimíra and JOCHOVÁ, Martina. Genetic analysis of national goose breeds. GRANT journal, 2017, vol. 6(2), p. 93-96. ISSN 1805-0638. 2017
ŠÁROVÁ, Radka, ŠPINKA, Marek and CEACERO, Francisco. Higher Dominance Position Does Not Result in Higher Reproductive Success in Female Beef Cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 95, 3301-3309. ISSN 0021-8812. 2017
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, JANČÍK, Filip, HOMOLKA, Petr and KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika. Crude protein evaluation of pasture forage and concentrates according to the Cornell system. In Cornellský systém ve výživě dojnic. Pohořelice: AgroDigest s.r.o., 2017, s. 32-37. ISBN 978-80-270-2269-4. 2017
KOUBA, Marek, BARTOŠ, Luděk, TOMÁŠEK, Václav, POPELKOVÁ, Alena, ŠŤASTNÝ, Karel and ZÁRYBNICKÁ, Markéta. Home range size of Tengmalm's owl during breeding in Central Europe is determined by prey abundance. PLoS One, 2017, 12, 1-15. ISSN 1932-6203. 2017
ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava, KAŠNÁ, Eva and KREJČOVÁ, Michaela. Foot and claw diseases in dairy cows - heritability and genetic relationships to clinical mastitis. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(9), p. 63-66. ISSN 0027-8068. 2017
ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava, KAŠNÁ, Eva and KREJČOVÁ, Michaela. Claw diseases in dairy cattle, heritability and genetic correlations to clinical mastititis. Chovatelské listy, 2017, vol. 2017(2), p. 32-35. ISSN . 2017
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Pig breeding in the European Union and the Czech Republic. Farmář, 2017, vol. 13(1), p. 34-38. ISSN . 2017
ROZKOT, Miroslav. Breeding of Prestice pig in Kostelec nad Orlicí. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(3), p. 16-17. ISSN . 2017
ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa, FLEISCHER, Petr and STANĚK, Stanislav. ICAR Claw Health Atlas. Veterinářství, 2017, vol. 67(12), p. 960-965. ISSN 0506-8231. 2017
STANĚK, Stanislav, ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa, FLEISCHER, Petr, NEJEDLÁ, Eliška and FALDYNA, Martin. The saturation of newborn calves by maternal antibodies in Czech dairy herds. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(12), p. 17-20. ISSN 0027-8068. 2017
STANĚK, Stanislav, ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa, PECHOVÁ, A, FLEISCHER, Petr, FALDYNA, M and NEJEDLÁ, Eliška. Immunological quality of colostrum in Czech dairy herds. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(9), p. 76-78. ISSN 0027-8068. 2017
TOUŠOVÁ, Renáta, DUCHÁČEK, Jaromír, STANĚK, Stanislav, PTÁČEK, Martin, STÁDNÍK, Luděk, GAŠPARÍK, Matúš and RYBA, Ondřej. Influence of Legs and Udder Evaluation on Longevity and Selected Milk Production Parameters in Czech Fleckvieh and Montbeliarde Cattle. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2017, 65, 1303-1308. ISSN 1211-8516. 2017
GOUMON, Sébastian and FAUCITANO, Luigi. Influence of loading handling and facilities on the subsequent response to pre-slaughter stress in pigs. Livestock Science, 2017, 200, 6-13. ISSN 1871-1413. 2017
PLUHÁČEK, Jan, STECK, Beatrice L., SINHA, Satya P. and HOUWALD, Friederike von. Interbirth intervals are associated with age of the mother, but not with infant mortality in Indian rhinoceroses. Current Zoology, 2017, 63, 229-235. ISSN 1674-5507. 2017
WIRTHGEN, Elisa, KUNZE, Martin, GOUMON, Sébastien et al. Interference of stress with the somatotropic axis in pigs – lights on new biomarkers. Scientific Reports , 2017, 7, 12055. ISSN 2045-2322. 2017
ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa, FLEISCHER, Petr, PECHOVÁ, A., STANĚK, Stanislav and NEJEDLÁ, Eliška. Colostra! immunity of calves in the Czech Republic according to IgG (RID) and total protein determined also by the refractometer. Veterinářství, 2017, vol. 67(11), p. 883-889. ISSN 0506-8231. 2017
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Conference Actual knowledges in nutrition and animal health. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(11), p. 77-79. ISSN . 2017
BUREŠ, Daniel, BARTOŇ, Luděk, KOTRBA, Radim and KUDRNÁČOVÁ, Eva. Meat quality of farmed rised red deer and fallow deer. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(1), p. 72-74. ISSN 0027-8068. 2017
ČESKÁ ZEMĚDĚLSKÁ UNIVERZITA V PRAZE a VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i.. An insect trap with an attractant made of a natural substrate. Authors: BARTÁK, Miroslav, KUBÍK, Štěpán, KUNC, Petr and KNÍŽKOVÁ, Ivana.. . Patentový spis CZ 306530 B6. 2017-01-18. 2017
ŽÁKOVÁ, Eliška, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana a KRUPA, Emil., 2017 Length of productive life of sows in the Czech Republic - how long to use sows in optimum?. In Lebensleistung der Sauen - Wo liegt das Optimum?. Anhalt: Hochschule Anhalt, s. 104-110. ISSN 978-3-96057-038-7 2017
ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela, SKŘIVAN, Miloš, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva and ČERMÁK, Ladislav Limestone particle size and Aspergillus niger phytase in the diet of older hens. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 16, 608-615. ISSN 1828-051X. 2017
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela and PEKÁRIKOVÁ, L. Manual for dairy farmers - Ilustrated guide of cattle housing. Prague: Institute of Animal Science, 2017, 319 p. ISBN 978-80-7403-159-5 2017
LOUČKA, Radko, HOMOLKA, Petr, JANČÍK, Filip, KUBELKOVÁ, Petra, TYROLOVÁ, Yvona and VÝBORNÁ, Alena. Methods of securing of experiments for determination of silage quality. Úroda, 2017, vol. LXV(12, vědecká příloha), p. 563-566. ISSN 0139-6013. 2017
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Dairy forum 2017. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(6), p. 30-32. ISSN . 2017
ZNOJ NOVOTNÁ, Barbora, LÁD, František, VAZDOVÁ, Pavlína, HANUSOVÁ, Lenka, ZÁBRANSKÝ, Luboš, KOBES, Milan, PROCHÁZKA, Josef a JANČÍK, Filip., 2017 Monitoring of the Organic Matter Digestibility of Cereal Crops During Growing Season. In NutriNET 2017. České Budějovice: University of South Bohemia, s. 49-59. ISSN 978-80-7394-642-5 2017
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI, VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA CHEMICKO-TECHNOLOGICKÁ V PRAZE a ÚSTAV CHEMICKÝCH PROCESŮ AV ČR, v.v.i.. N-alkylamides of alginic acid. Authors: TAUBNER, Tomáš, SYNYTSYA, Andriy, MAROUNEK, Milan and SOBEK, Jiří.. . Užitný vzor CZ 30447 U1. 2017-03-07. 2017
KAŠNÁ, Eva, ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa, FLEISCHER, Petr a LIPOVSKÝ, D., 2017 National dairy cattle health recording in the Czech Republic. In EAAP – 68th Annual Meeting, Tallinn 2017. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, s. 251. ISSN 2017
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie a JANČÍK, Filip. New feeds and supplements for animals. Zemědělec, 2017, vol. 25(35), p. 17-18. ISSN . 2017
SYROVÁ, Michaela, POLICHT, Richard, LINHART, Pavel and ŠPINKA, Marek. Ontogeny of individual and litter identity signaling in grunts of piglets. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 142, 3116-3121. ISSN 0001-4966. 2017
PŘIBYL, Josef, BAUER, Jiří, PŘIBYLOVÁ, Jana, ŠPLÍCHAL, Jiří, VOSTRÝ, Luboš a ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, 2017 Partial Domestic Milk Test-Day-Records and Global De-Regressed Breeding Values in Common Random Regression Evaluatio. In XXI. Summer School of Biometrics. Brno: Mendelova univerzita, s. 57. ISSN 2017
WACKERMANNOVÁ, Marie, GOUMON, Sébastien and ILLMANN, Gudrun. Pens with Temporary Crating: A Viable Alternative Housing System to Improve the Welfare of Lactating Sows - Review. Research in Pig Breeding, 2017, vol. 11(2), p. 22-26. ISSN 1802-7547. 2017
DUŠEK, Adam, BARTOŠ, Luděk and SEDLÁČEK, František. Pre-breeding food restriction promotes the optimization of parental investment in house mice, Mus musculus. PLoS One, 2017, 12, 1-21. ISSN 1932-6203. 2017
TAUBNER, Tomáš, MAROUNEK, Milan and SYNYTSYA, Andriy. Preparation and characterization of amidated derivatives of alginic acid. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 103, 202-207. ISSN 0141-8130. 2017
TAUBNER, Tomáš, MAROUNEK, Milan, SYNYTSYA, Andriy, VOLEK, Zdeněk, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva a DUŠKOVÁ, Dagmar., 2017 Preparation of the Amidated Alginate and Comparison of the Hypocholesterolemic and Hypolipidemic Activity with Alginate in Rats. In Propceedings of the 13th International Conference on Polysacharides-Glycoscience. Prague: Czech Chemical Society, s. 293-298. ISSN 978-80-86238-74-6 2017
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela, ŠOCH, Miloslav and PŘIKRYL, Ivan. Principles of animal health and management in zoological gardens. Prague: Institute of Animal Science, 2017, 284 p. ISBN 978-80-7403-171-7 2017
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela, ŚOCH, Miloslav and PŘIKRYL, Ivan. Principles of Animal Health and Management in Zoological Gardens. Prague: Institute of Animal Science and University of South Bohemia, 2017, 286 p. ISBN 978-80-7403-175-5 2017
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, SYRŮČEK, Jan and BURDYCH, Jiří. Milk production in the Czech Republic in 2016. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(8), p. 25-29. ISSN 0027-8068. 2017
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Additives to silage and feed mixtures 2017. Krmivářství, 2017, vol. 21(2), p. I-XII. ISSN . 2017
KRUPA, Emil, BAUER, Jiří, ŽÁKOVÁ, Eliška and KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana. Reliability of breeding values for single- and multi-trait models of dam pig breed obtained using direct inversion and approximation methods. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 2017, vol. 20(4), p. 90-94. ISSN 1336-9245. 2017
SYRŮČEK, Jan. Profitability of suckler cows in the Czech Republic in 2016. Zpravodaj - ČSCHMS, 2017, vol. 24(3), p. 20-22. ISSN . 2017
SYRŮČEK, Jan, BURDYCH, Jiří and BARTOŇ, Luděk. Profitability of milk production in the Czech Republic in 2016. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(7), p. 26-28. ISSN . 2017
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, PŘIBYL, Josef, KRUPA, Emil a ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, 2017 Response on claw health in breeding of Czech Holstein cattle. In EAAP – 68th Annual Meeting, Tallinn 2017. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, s. 184. ISSN 2017
KUDRNA, Václav, ILLEK, Josef, JOCH, Miroslav, VÝBORNÁ, Alena, LANG, Petr a TYROLOVÁ, Yvona., 2017 Different Nutritional Strategies of Dairy Cows During Dry-Period. In XII. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: VFU, s. 248-250. ISSN 2017
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV VETERINÁRNÍHO LÉKAŘSTVÍ, v.v.i., BRNO a VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Enhancement of farm possibilities of calves‘ colostral immunity control. Authors: ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa, STANĚK, Stanislav, FLEISCHER, Petr, PECHOVÁ, Alena and NEJEDLÁ, Eliška.. Česká republika. Certifikovaná metodika 978-80-88233-10-7. 2017-11-30. 2017
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. A kit for detecting single-nucleotide polymorphism in the signal peptide and intron I of the lipoprotein lipase gene in goats. Authors: RYCHTÁŘOVÁ, Jana, SZTANKÓOVÁ, Zuzana and KYSELOVÁ, Jitka.. . Patentový spis CZ 306986 B6. 2017-09-20. 2017
SOMMAVILLA, Roberta, FAUCITANO, Luigi, GONYOU, Harold, SEDDON, Yolande, BERGERON, Renée, WIDOWSKI, Tina, CROWE, Trever, CONNOR, Laurie, BERGOLI SCHEEREN, Marina, GOUMON, Sébastian and BROWN, Jennifer. Season, transport duration and trailer compartment effects on blood stress indicators in pigs: Relationship to environmental, behavioral and other physiological factors, and pork quality traits. Animals, 2017, 7, 1-12. ISSN 2076-2615. 2017
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil, ŽÁKOVÁ, Eliška and PŘIBYL, Josef. Selection Index for Reproduction of Czech Large White and Czech Landrace Breeds and the Entire Population of Maternal Pig Breeds. Research in Pig Breeding, 2017, vol. 11(1), p. 22-31. ISSN 1802-7547. 2017
UHLÍŘOVÁ, Linda, VOLEK, Zdeněk a MAROUNEK, Milan., 2017 Blue Lupine Seeds (Lupinus Angustifolius l. cv. Primadona) as Crude Protein Source for Broiler Rabbits. In XII. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: VFU, s. 70-76. ISSN 2017
ADÁMKOVÁ, Kateřina, YI, Young-Joo, PETR, Jaroslav, ŽALMANOVÁ, Tereza, HOŠKOVÁ, Kristýna, JELÍNKOVÁ, Pavla, MORAVEC, Jiří, KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Milena, SUTOVSKÝ, Miriam, SUTOVSKÝ, Peter and SIRT1-dependent modulation of methylation and acetylation of histone H3 on lysine 9 (H3K9) in the zygotic pronuclei improves porcine embryo development. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2017, 8, Article Nr. 83. ISSN 1674-9782. 2017
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, HOMOLKA, Petr and KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika. Soya and its alternatives. Krmivářství, 2017, vol. 21(5), p. 23-25. ISSN . 2017
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HRADEC, Michal, LINHART, Pavel, BARTOŠ, Luděk and BOLECHOVÁ, Petra. The traits of the great calls in the juvenile and adolescent gibbon males Nomascus gabriellae. PLoS One, 2017, 12, e0173959. ISSN 1932-6203. 2017
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CHODOVÁ, Darina, TŮMOVÁ, Eva a VOLEK, Zdeněk., 2017 The Effect of Feed Restriction Combined with Early Weaning on Performance Characteristics and Internal Organ Development of Broiler Rabbits. In XII. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: VFU, s. 33-37. ISSN 2017
VLČKOVÁ, Jana, TŮMOVÁ, Eva, CHODOVÁ, Darina a BENDOVÁ, Markéta., 2017 Effect of Housing System and Calcium Content on Eggshell Quality and Microbial Contamination of Eggs in Laying Hens. In XII. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: VFU, s. 77-82. ISSN 2017
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KAŠNÁ, Eva, FLEISCHER, Petr, ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa and STANĚK, Stanislav. Evaluation of occurrence of the most frequent diseases and health disorders of dairy cows in the Czech Republic. Veterinářství, 2017, vol. 67(10), p. 799-805. ISSN 0506-8231. 2017
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STĚHULOVÁ, Ilona, VALNÍČKOVÁ, Barbora, ŠÁROVÁ, Radka and ŠPINKA, Marek. Weaning reactions in beef cattle are adaptively adjusted to the state of the cow and the calf. Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 95, 1023-1029. ISSN 0021-8812. 2017
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ZÁMOSTNÁ, K., NEVORAL, Jan, KOTT, Tomáš, PROCHÁZKA, R., ORSÁK, M., ŠULC, Miloslav, PAJKOŠOVÁ, V., PAVLÍK, V., ŽALMANOVÁ, Tereza, HOŠKOVÁ, Kristýna, JÍLEK, František and KLEIN, Pavel. A simple method for assessment of hyaluronic acid production by cumulus-oocyte complexes. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2016, 61, 251-261. ISSN 1212-1819. 2016
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KRPÁLKOVÁ, Lenka, CABRERA, Victor E., KVAPILÍK, Jindřich and BURDYCH, Jiří. Associations of reproduction and health with the performance and profit of dairy cows. Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika , 2016, 62, 385-394. ISSN 0139-570X. 2016
MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil a ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, 2016 Bio-economic models for efficient dairy cattle breeding. In Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, Spec.Issue. Nitra: Slovak University of Agriculture, s. 6-8. ISSN 1336-9245 2016
ŽALMANOVÁ, Tereza, HOŠKOVÁ, Kristýna, NEVORAL, Jan, PROKEŠOVÁ, Šárka, ZÁMOSTNÁ, K, KOTT, Tomáš and PETR, Jaroslav. Bisphenol S instead of bisphenol A: a story of reproductive disruption by regretable substitution – a review. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2016, 61, 433-449. ISSN 1212-1819. 2016
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MAROUNEK, Milan, VOLEK, Zdeněk, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva, TAUBNER, Tomáš and DUŠKOVÁ, Dagmar. Comparative Study on the Hypocholesterolemic Activity of Amidated Polysaccharides and Psyllium. BioResources, 2016, 11, 365-372. ISSN 1930-2126. 2016
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JEČMÍNKOVÁ, Kateřina, KYSELOVÁ, Jitka, SAID AHMED, A., ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, MÁTLOVÁ, Věra and MAJZLÍK, Ivan. Leptin Promoter Region Genotype Frequencies and its Variability in the Czech Fleckvieh Cattle. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 2016, 47, 54-59. ISSN 1211-3174. 2016
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VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva. The international symposium for young research workers in Poland. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(11), p. 28-29. ISSN . 2016
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Milk crisis in Germany and the Czech Republic. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(5), p. 28-30. ISSN . 2016
STANĚK, Stanislav. What should not be forgotten when projecting. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(Příloha), p. 14. ISSN . 2016
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Costs of breeding calves of dairy breeds abroad. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(5), p. 33-35. ISSN . 2016
LOUČKA, Radko. Herding with dog. Sport, work and fun.. Praha: Nakladatelství PLOT, 2016, 177 p. ISBN 978-80-7428-298-0 2016
LOUČKA, Radko. Grazing sheep in the spring. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(3), p. 81-84. ISSN . 2016
VOSTRÁ VYDROVÁ, Hana, VOSTRÝ, Luboš, HOFMANOVÁ, B, KRUPA, Emil and ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila Pedigree analysis of the endangered Old Kladruber horse population. Livestock Science, 2016, 185, 17-23. ISSN 1871-1413. 2016
STANĚK, Stanislav. Walking Alleys in Stalls and Outside. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(Příloha), p. 8-10. ISSN . 2016
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Estimated economic indicators of breeding dairy cows and suckler cow. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(6), p. 26-29. ISSN 0027-8068. 2016
ŠTOLCOVÁ, Magdaléna. Precision farming in dairy cattle breeding. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(12), p. 28-29. ISSN . 2016
MAROUNEK, Milan, MRÁZEK, Jakub, VOLEK, Zdeněk, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva and KILLER, Jiří. Pregastric and caecal fermentation pattern in Syrian hamsters. Mammalia, 2016, 80, 83-89. ISSN 0025-1461. 2016
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, LÁCHOVÁ, Jitka and ČERMÁKOVÁ, Jana. Prevention of ketosis and acidosis and udder health. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(2), p. 64-68. ISSN . 2016
ILLEK, Josef a KUDRNA, Václav., 2016 Disease prevention in cows during transition period. In Farmářský den, Velká Chyška. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 26-29. ISSN 2016
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich and SYRŮČEK, Jan. Summary: Beef production in the world and in the EU. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(1), p. 34-37. ISSN 0027-8068. 2016
JEČMÍNKOVÁ, Kateřina, KYSELOVÁ, Jitka and MÁTLOVÁ, Věra. Czech Fleckvieh cattle:Differences betwen production population and genetic resources. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(3), p. 26-27. ISSN . 2016
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela and PEKÁRIKOVÁ, L. Guide for dairy cattle breeder - Livestock picture lexicon. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., 2016, 323 p. ISBN 978-80-7403-153-3 2016
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Additives for silages and feed mixtures in 2016. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(3), p. 58-59. ISSN . 2016
DAVID, Libor, PULKRÁBEK, Jan and VALIŠ, Libor. Realisation of Pig Carcasses in Czech Republic. Research in Pig Breeding, 2016, vol. 10(2), p. 4-8. ISSN 1802-7547. 2016
SYRŮČEK, Jan. Profitability of breeding suckler cows in Czech Republic. . Zpravodaj Českého svazu chovatelů masného skotu, 2016, vol. 23(4), p. 32-33. ISSN . 2016
BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava and VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva. Profitability in pig production. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(4), p. 90-92. ISSN . 2016
ROZKOT, Miroslav., 2016 Research in Pig Breeding. In Uspořádání workshopu 11.10.2016. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. . ISSN 2016
SANTARIOVÁ, M., PINC, L., BARTOŠ, Luděk, VYPLELOVÁ, P., GERNEŠ, J. and SEKYROVÁ, V. Resistance of human odours to extremely high temperature as revealed by trained dogs. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2016, 61, 172-176. ISSN 1212-1819. 2016
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, KUČERA, Josef, BUCEK, Pavel, ABRAHAMOVÁ, M., ŠKARYD, V., VESELÁ, Zdeňka et al. Yearbook 2015 of Cattle Breeding in Czech Republic. Praha: Českomoravská společnost chovatelů, a.s., 2016, p. ISBN 2016
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Kit for detection of single nucleotide polymorphism in gene promoter of myogenic transcription MYF5 factor in cattle. Authors: KYSELOVÁ, Jitka, JEČMÍNKOVÁ, Kateřina, BARTOŇ, Luděk, SZTANKÓOVÁ, Zuzana and RYCHTÁŘOVÁ, Jana.. Česká republika. Užitný vzor CZ 29223 U1. 2016-03-08. 2016
BOLECHOVÁ, P., JEČMÍNKOVÁ, K., HRADEC, M., KOTT, T. and DOLEŽALOVÁ, J. Sex determination in gibbons of genus Nomascus using non-invasive method. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2016, 85, 363-366. ISSN 0001-7213. 2016
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Corn harvest is quickly coming. Zemědělec, 2016, vol. 24(34), p. 26-27. ISSN . 2016
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, JEDELSKÁ, R., HANUŠ, O., URBAN, P., ŘÍHA, J., KOPUNECZ, P., SEYDLOVÁ, R., ROUBAL, P., ZLATNÍČEK, J. and KLIMEŠ, M. Somatic cell count in milk from individua! dairy cows and selected indicators. Mlékařské listy 158, 2016, vol. 27(5), p. 5-12. ISSN 1212-950X. 2016
DVOŘÁKOVÁ, M., HEROUTOVÁ, I., NĚMEČEK, D., ADÁMKOVÁ, K., KREJČOVÁ, T., NEVORAL, J., KUČEROVÁ CHRPOVÁ, V., PETR, Jaroslav and SEDMÍKOVÁ, M. The antioxidative properties of S-allyl cysteine not only influence somatic cells but also improve early embryo cleavage in pigs. PeerJ, 2016, 2016, e2280. ISSN 2167-8359. 2016
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, HOMOLKA, Petr a KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika., 2016 The Degradability of Crude Protein Applicated to the Diet of Ruminants. In NutriNet 2016. Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences, s. 49-55. ISSN 978-80-213-2638-5 2016
TŮMOVÁ, Eva, VOLEK, Zdeněk, CHODOVÁ, Darina, HÄRTLOVÁ, H., MAKOVICKÝ, P., SVOBODOVÁ, J., EBEID, T.A. and UHLÍŘOVÁ, Linda. The effect of 1-week feed restriction on performance, digestibility of nutrients and digestive system development in the growing rabbit. Animal, 2016, 10, 42614. ISSN . 2016
VOLEK, Zdeněk, UHLÍŘOVÁ, L.inda, MAROUNEK, Milan, TŮMOVÁ, Eva a ZITA, L., 2016 The Effect of Dried Chicory Root Added to the Restrictive Feed Ration of Rabbits on Health Status, Performance and Caecal and Carcass Traits. In Proceedings of the 11th World Rabbit Congress. Qingdao (China): World Rabbit Science Association, s. 467-470. ISSN 2016
BUREŠ, D., ČÍTEK, J., BARTOŇ, L., LEBEDOVÁ, N., ZADINOVÁ, K., KUDRNÁČOVÁ, E. a STUPKA, R., 2016 The effect of feeding Jerusalem artichoke on sensory properties of meat from musculus longissimus lumborum of entire male pigs. In Eurosense 2016. Dijon, France: Elsevier, s. 136. ISSN 2016
KUDRNÁČOVÁ; E.; BUREŠ; D.; BARTOŇ; L. a KOTRBA; R., 2016 The influence of diet on carcass composition and meat quality attributes in cervids. In Deer nutrition and feeding. Jablonné nad Orlicí: VVS; VÚŽV, s. 30. ISSN 2016
CEACERO, Francisco., GARCÍA, A.F., LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS, T., KOMÁRKOVÁ, Martina, HIDALGO, F., SERRANO, P.M. and GALLEGO, L. The Many Axes of Deer Lactation. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia, 2016, 21, 123-129. ISSN 1083-3021. 2016
SKŘIVANOVÁ, E., HOVORKOVÁ, P. a LALOUČKOVÁ, K., 2016 The Study on Antibacterial Activity of Plant Oils Containing Medium-Chain Fatty Acids. In food micro. Dublin, Ireland: Food Microbiology, s. PO1-VF-209. ISSN 2016
ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela and SKŘIVAN, Miloš. The effect of phytase in feed mixtures for hens with low phosphorus content. Drůbežář-hydinár, 2016, vol. X(4), p. 12-13. ISSN . 2016
LOUČKA, Radko, HOMOLKA, Petr, JANČÍK, Filip, KUBELKOVÁ, Petra, and TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Effect of additives on the quality of maize silage. Krmivářství, 2016, vol. 20(4), p. 27-30. ISSN 1212-9992. 2016
LOUČKA, Radko and TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. The influence of environment on aerobic stability of silage. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(3), p. 51-56. ISSN . 2016
KRPÁLKOVÁ, Lenka, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava and KREJČOVÁ, Michaela. Effect of hoof health and reproduction level on performance and profit of dairy herd. Náš chov, 2016, vol. 76(9), p. 58-63. ISSN 0027-8068. 2016
SYRŮČEK, Jan. Beef production and economics of breeding suckler cow. Zpravodaj Českého svazu chovatelů masného skotu, 2016, vol. 23(1), p. 32-37. ISSN . 2016
VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva, BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava and ŠULÁKOVÁ, H. The use of insect in monogastric animal nutrition. Krmivářství, 2016, vol. 20(1), p. 32-34. ISSN . 2016
KVAPILÍK, J. and SYRŮČEK, J. Development of indicators of milk performance recording between 1996 and 2015. In Ročenka Chov skotu v České republice.. Praha: Českomoravská společnost chovatelů, 2016, s. 66-74. ISBN . 2016
VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva and BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava. Nutrition of suckling piglets. Krmivářství, 2016, vol. 20(3), p. 22-24. ISSN . 2016
JANČÍK, Filip, KUBELKOVÁ, Petra, KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie a HOMOLKA, Petr., 2016 White and Narrow-Leafed Lupine as an Alternative Source of Quality Forage. In Forage Conservation. Nitra: National Agricultural and Food Centre, s. 80-81. ISSN 2016
SYRŮČEK, Jan., 2016 For how much farm milk production in the Czech Republic?. In Farmářský den, Velká Chyška. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 5-10. ISSN 2016
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, LÁCHOVÁ, Jitka and HOMOLKA, Petr.. The proper nutrition and feeding of young cattle. Krmivářství, 2016, vol. 2017(6), p. 20-22. ISSN . 2016
BARTOŠOVÁ, Jitka, KOMÁRKOVÁ, Martina, LEVÁ, Michaela a LINHART, Pavel., 2015 42nd ethological conference of Czech and Slovak Ethological Society. In Uspořádání konference 11.4.2015. JU České Budějovice: Česká a slovenská etologická společnost, Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. . ISSN 2015
SKŘIVAN, Miloš, PICKINPAUGH, S.H., PAVLŮ, V., SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva and ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela. A mobile system for rearing meat chickens on pasture. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 60, 52-59. ISSN 1212-1819. 2015
LOUČKA, Radko a TYROLOVÁ, Yvona., 2015 Aerobic Stability of Maize Silage after Application of Chemical Additive. In XI. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita, s. 84-89. ISSN 2015
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona a MAROUNEK, Milan., 2015 Up-to-date findings in animal nutrition and health, and safety of animal products. In Uspořádání konference 22.10.2015. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. . ISSN 2015
CEACERO, Francisco, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS, T., OLGUIN, A., MIRANDA, M., GARCÍA, A., MARTINEZ, A., COSSINELLO, J., MIGUEL, V. and GALLEGO, L. Avoiding Toxic Levels of Essential Minerals: A Forgotten Factor in Deer Diet Preferences. PLoS One, 2015, 10, e0115814. ISSN 1932-6203. 2015
ROZKOT, Miroslav. Pasture of pigs at bio farms. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(8), p. 87-90. ISSN . 2015
ROZKOT, Miroslav. Revolution in pig housing?. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(4), p. 66-68. ISSN . 2015
PULKRÁBEK, Jan, DAVID, Libor and VALIŠ, Libor. Carcass Composition in Selected Pig Hybrids in Czech Republic. Research in Pig Breeding, 2015, vol. 9(1), p. 10-15. ISSN 1802-7547. 2015
NOVOTNÁ, Alexandra, SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena and SCHMIDOVÁ, Jitka. Comparison of models to estimate genetic parameters for scores of competitive sport horse events in the Czech Republic. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 60, 383-390. ISSN 1212-1819. 2015
BAUER, Jiří, PŘIBYL, Josef and VOSTRÝ, Luboš. Contribution of domestic and Interbull records to reliabilities of single-step genomic breeding values in dairy cattle. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 60, 263-267. ISSN 1212-1819. 2015
LINDOVÁ, Jitka,, ŠPINKA, Marek a NOVÁKOVÁ, Linda. Decoding of Baby Calls: Can Adult Humans Identify the Eliciting Situation from Emotional Vocalizations of Preverbal Infants?. PLoS One, 2015, 10, e0124317. ISSN 1932-6203. 2015
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, JANČÍK, Filip, HOMOLKA, Petr and KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika. The degradability of crude protein in ruminant nutrition. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(11), p. 56-58. ISSN . 2015
PLUHÁČEK, Jan and STECK, B. Different Sex Allocations in Two Related Species: The Case of the Extant Hippopotamus. Ethology, 2015, 121, 462-471. ISSN 0179-1613. 2015
MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana and KRUPA, Emil. Economic evaluation of cow-calf herds. I. Calculation methods. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 2015, 33, 257-266. ISSN 0860-4037. 2015
MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana and KRUPA, Emil. Economic evaluation of cow-calf herds. II. analysis of the main determinants. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 2015, 33, 337-346. ISSN 0860-4037. 2015
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil, MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika., ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila aNDE KADLEČÍK, O. Economic Sustainabiuty of the Local Dual-Purpose Cattle. Poljoprivreda, 2015, 21, 220-223. ISSN 1330-7142. 2015
HOVORKOVÁ, Petra, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva, KUDRNOVÁ, Elena and MAROUNEK, Milan. Effect of Dietary Medium-Chain Fatty Acids on Campylobacter Jejuni in Broiler Chickens. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 2015, 46, 154-158. ISSN 1211-3174. 2015
KOLBABOVÁ, T., MALKEMPER, E.P., BARTOŠ, Luděk, VANDERSTRAETEN, J., TURČÁNI, M. and BURDA, H. Effect of exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields on melatonin levels in calves is seasonally dependent. Scientific Reports , 2015, 5, 1-9. ISSN 2045-2322. 2015
UHLÍŘOVÁ, Linda, VOLEK, Zdeněk, MAROUNEK, Milan and TŮMOVÁ, Eva Effect of Feed Restriction and Different Crude Protein Sources on the Performance, Health Status and Carcass Traits of Growing Rabbits. World Rabbit Science, 2015, 23, 263-272. ISSN 1257-5011. 2015
ČERMÁK, Ladislav, PRAŽÁKOVÁ, Šárka, MAROUNEK, Milan, SKŘIVAN, Miloš and SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva. Effect of green alga Planktochlorella nurekis on selected bacteria revealed antibacterial activity in vitro. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 60, 427-435. ISSN 1212-1819. 2015
ILLMANN, Gudrun, CHALOUPKOVÁ, Helena and NEUHAUSEROVÁ, Kristýna. Effect of pre- and post-partum sow activity on maternal behaviour and piglet weight gain 24 h after birth. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2015, 163, 80-88. ISSN 0168-1591. 2015
FRYDRYCHOVÁ, Soňa, LUSTYKOVÁ, Alena, LIPENSKÝ, Jan and ROZKOT, Miroslav. Effect of Season on Boar Semen Quality and Enzymatic Activity of Aspartate Aminotransferase. Research in Pig Breeding, 2015, vol. 9(1), p. 42619. ISSN 1802-7547. 2015
UHLÍŘOVÁ, Linda, VOLEK, Zdeněk, MAROUNEK, Milan, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra a TŮMOVÁ, Eva., 2015 Effect of Various Lupine Species on Milk Production of Rabbit Does and Performance of their Litters before Weaning. In NutriNet 2015. Brno: University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, s. 114-121. ISSN 978-80-263-0900-0 2015
ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela, SKŘIVAN, Miloš, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva, BUBANCOVÁ, Ivana, ČERMÁK, Ladislav and VLČKOVÁ, Jana. Effects of a low-phosphorus diet and exogenous phytase on performance, egg quality, and bacterial colonisation and digestibility of minerals in the digestive tract of laying hens. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 60, 542-549. ISSN 1212-1819. 2015
DUBCOVÁ, Jana, BARTOŠOVÁ, Jitka and KOMÁRKOVÁ, Martina. Effects of prompt versus stepwise relocation to a novel environment on foals' responses to weaning in domestic horses (Equus caballus). Journal of Veterinary Behavior-Clinical Applications and Research , 2015, 10, 346-352. ISSN 1558-7878. 2015
KRUPA, Emil, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika, KASARDA, R. and KADLEČÍK, O. Economic importance of traits for dual purpose cattle breed. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(5), p. 31-34. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
SYRŮČEK, Jan and BURDYCH, Jiří. Economic indicators of milk production. Zemědělec, 2015, vol. 23(38), p. 38-39. ISSN . 2015
SYRŮČEK, Jan and BURDYCH, Jiří. Summary: Economic indicators of milk production in 2014. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(7), p. 22-26. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil and MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika. Economics of dairy sheep: II. Impact of economic factors. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(2), p. 45-47. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil and MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika. Economics of dairy sheep: I. Impact of production factors. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(1), p. 44-46. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil and MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika. Economics of dairy sheep: III. Impact of intensification factors. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(3), p. 48-50. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana and KRUPA, Emil. Economics of Slovak Spotted cattle. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(9), p. 60-63. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
LINHART, Pavel, RATCLIFFE, V.F., REBY, D. and ŠPINKA, Marek. Expression of Emotional Arousal in Two Different Piglet Call Types. PLoS One, 2015, 10, e0135414. ISSN 1932-6203. 2015
KOUBA, M., BARTOŠ, Luděk, KORPIMÄKKI, E. and ZÁRYBNICKÁ, M. Factors Affecting the Duration of Nestling Period and Fledging Order in Tengmalm´s Owl (Aegolius funereus): Effect of Wing Length and Hatching Sequence. PLoS One, 2015, 10, e0121641.. ISSN 1932-6203. 2015
PLUHÁČEK, Jan, CEACERO, Francisco and LUPTÁK, P. First records of preorbital gland opening in rare wild barasingha (Rucervus duvaucelii) in social contexts may help to explain this phenomenon in cervids. Behavioural Processes, 2015, 119, 29-31. ISSN 0376-6357. 2015
HRADECKÁ, Lenka, BARTOŠ, Luboš, SVOBODOVÁ, Ivona and SALES, James. Heritability of behavioural traits in domestic dogs: A meta-analysis. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2015, 170, 1-13. ISSN 0168-1591. 2015
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. The main factors affecting the economic results of milk production. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(2), p. 69-71. ISSN . 2015
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Evaluation of crude protein of mountain pasture forage according to Cornell system. Authors: KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika and HOMOLKA, Petr.. Česká republika. Certifikovaná metodika 978-80-7403-136-6. 2015-06-02. 2015
MARUŠČÁKOVÁ, Iva Linda, LINHART, Pavel, RATCLIFFE, Victoria, F., TALLET, Céline, REBY, David and ŠPINKA, Marek. Humans (Homo sapiens) Judge the Emotional Content of Piglet (Sus scrofa domestica) Calls Based on Simple Acoustic Parameters, not Personality, Empathy, nor Attitude Toward Animals. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2015, 129, 121-131. ISSN 0735-7036. 2015
KREJČOVÁ, T., ŠMELCOVÁ, M., PETR, Jaroslav, BODART, J-F., SEDMÍKOVÁ, M., NEVORAL, J., DVOŘÁKOVÁ, M., VYSKOČILOVÁ, A., WEINGARTOVÁ, I., KUČEROVÁ-CHRPOVÁ, V., CHMELÍKOVÁ, E., TŮMOVÁ, L. and JÍLEK, F. Hydrogen Sulfide Donor Protects Porcine Oocytes against Aging and Improves the Developmental Potential of Aged Porcine Oocytes. PLoS One, 2015, 10, e0116964. ISSN 1932-6203. 2015
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef and PROCHÁZKA, David. Hygiene of rearing environment – basic of calf diarrhea prevention. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(11), p. 56-58. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
LOUČKA, Radko and TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Chemical protection of top layer of maize silage against aerobic degradation. Krmivářství, 2015, vol. 19(3), p. 42-44. ISSN 1212-9992. 2015
DOLEŽAL, Oldřich and STANĚK, Stanislav. Breeding of dairy cattle - technology, engineering, and management. Praha: Profi Press s.r.o., 2015, 243 p. ISBN 978-80-86726-70-0 2015
STANĚK, Stanislav., 2015 Dairy cattle breeding – herd turnover and the need of calving pens, waste milk and its modifications for calf feeding. In Farmářský den ve Velké Chyšce. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 23-25. ISSN 2015
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Dairy farming and milk production in the world. Slovenský chov, 2015, vol. 20(10), p. 24-25. ISSN . 2015
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Cattle breeding and beef production. Zpravodaj - ČSCHMS, 2015, vol. 22(1), p. 20-27. ISSN . 2015
BARTOŠOVÁ, Jitka. Behavioural causes of horse-related injuries. Jezdectví, 2015, vol. 64(11), p. 20-21. ISSN . 2015
SKŘIVAN, Miloš, ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva and BUBANCOVÁ, Ivana. Increase in lutein and zeaxanthin content in the eggs of hens fed marigold flower extract. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 60, 87-96. ISSN 1212-1819. 2015
CEACERO, Francisco, PLUHÁČEK, Jan, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS, T., GARCIA, A.J. and GALLEGO, L. Inter-specific differences in the structure and mechanics but not the chemical composition of antlers in three deer species. Annales Zoologici Fennici , 2015, 52, 368-375. ISSN 0003-455X. 2015
BARTOŠOVÁ, Jitka. Wild, wild horses, we'll ride them some day.... Jezdectví, 2015, vol. 64(6), p. 66-67. ISSN . 2015
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Combination for detection of ASIP Ala gene allele in horses. Authors: CZERNEKOVÁ, Vladimíra, NOVÁK, Karel and MELČOVÁ, Soňa.. Česká republika. Užitný vzor CZ 28638 U1. 2015-09-14. 2015
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Combination for selective amplification of mitochondrial DNA fragment in goats. Authors: CZERNEKOVÁ, Vladimíra, NOVÁK, Karel and MELČOVÁ, Soňa.. Česká republika. Užitný vzor CZ 28640 U1. 2015-09-14. 2015
GUTMANN, Anke Kristina,, ŠPINKA, Marek and WINCKLER, Christoph. Long-term familiarity creates preferred social partners in dairy cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2015, 169, 1-8. ISSN . 2015
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef a PROCHÁZKA, David., 2015 Does Hygiene Rearing Environment Have the Effect on the Incidence of Calf Diarrhea?. In Mezinárodní fyziologická konference. České Budějovice: Jihočeská univerzita, s. 14-18. ISSN 978-80-7394-535-0 2015
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, HANUŠ, O., BARTOŇ, Luděk, KLIMEŠOVÁ, M.V. and ROUBAL, P. Mastitis of dairy cows and financial losses: An economic meta-analysis and model calculation. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015, 21, 1092-1105. ISSN 1310-0351. 2015
BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava. Modern pig farming by tradition. Zemědělec, 2015, vol. 23(14), p. 15-16. ISSN . 2015
BUREŠ, Daniel, BARTOŇ, Luděk, ČÍTEK, J. a LEBEDOVÁ, N., 2015 Muscle Fiber Characteristics of Four Muscles from Different Cattle Breeds and their Relation to Meat Instrumental Toughness. In 61st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. INRA - Centre de recherche Auvergne - Rhone Alpes, Saint-Genés-Champanelle, France: Imprimerie Descombat, Z.I.des Pradeux, 3 rue Gambeta, 63360, Gerzat, France, s. 148-151. ISSN 2-7380-1379-1 2015
How to care for silage. Authors: TYROLOVÁ, Yvona.. 2015. 2015
JAŠKA, Pavel., LINHART, Pavel and FUCHS, Roman. Neighbour recognition in two sister songbird species with a simple and complex repertoire - a playback study. Journal of Avian Biology, 2015, 45, 151-158. ISSN 0908-8857. 2015
ROZKOT, Miroslav. Several notes on the technology of feeding fattening pigs. Krmivářství, 2015, vol. 19(5), p. 26-27. ISSN . 2015
SYRŮČEK, Jan a KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Depreciation of suckler cows. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(9), p. 92-94. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
KRUPA, Emil, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, ŽÁKOVÁ, Eliška, KASARDA, R. and SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena. Population Analysis of the Local Endangered Přeštice Black-Pied Pig Breed. Poljoprivreda, 2015, 21, 155-158. ISSN 1330-7142. 2015
SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva, HOVORKOVÁ, Petra, ČERMÁK, Ladislav and MAROUNEK, Milan. Potential use of caprylic acid in broiler chickens: Effect on salmonella enteritidis. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 2015, 12, 62-67. ISSN 1535-3141. 2015
BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava and VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva. Nutrient requirements of fattening pigs. Krmivářství, 2015, vol. 19(5), p. 18-20. ISSN . 2015
ROZKOT, Miroslav. Pigs, breeders and other community. Zemědělec, 2015, vol. 23(14), p. 14-15. ISSN . 2015
CEACERO, Francisco, PLUHÁČEK, Jan, KOMÁRKOVÁ, Martina and ZÁBRANSKÝ, M. Pre-orbital gland opening during aggressive interactions in rusa deer (Rusa timorensis). Behavioural Processes, 2015, 111, 51-54. ISSN 0376-6357. 2015
BARTOŠ, Luděk, BARTOŠOVÁ, Jitka and PLUHÁČEK, Jan. Pregnancy disruption in artificially inseminated domestic horse mares as a counterstrategy against potential infanticide. Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 93, 5465-5468. ISSN 0021-8812. 2015
JEČMÍNKOVÁ, Kateřina, KYSELOVÁ, Jitka, MAJZLÍK, Ivan and ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila. The udder health and fertility in cattle in the Czech republic. GRANT journal, 2015, 4, 132-137. ISSN . 2015
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich., 2015 Why breed dairy cows and produce milk?. In Farmářský den ve Velké Chyšce. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 9-16. ISSN 2015
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Production in the world and in the EU without regulation. Zemědělec, 2015, vol. 23(9), p. 14-17. ISSN . 2015
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, SYRŮČEK, Jan and BURDYCH, Jiří. Production indicators of milk production for 2014. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(8), p. 32-36. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
BUREŠ, Daniel, BARTOŇ, Luděk, KOTRBA, Radim and HAKL, J. Quality attributes and composition of meat from red deer {Cervus elaphus), fallow deer [Dama dama) and Aberdeen Angus and Holstein cattle [Bos taurus). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015, 95, 2299-2306. ISSN 0022-5142. 2015
VACEK, Mojmír, KRPÁLKOVÁ, Lenka, SYRŮČEK, Jan, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava a JANECKÁ, M. Relationships between growth and body condition development during the rearing period and performance in the first three lactations in Holstein cows. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 60, 417-725. ISSN 1212-1819. 2015
ROZKOT, Miroslav., 2015 Research in Pig Breeding, 12th International Workshop. In Uspořádání workshopu 22.10.2015. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. . ISSN 2015
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Silage additives for the year 2015. Krmivářství, 2015, vol. 19(2), p. P1-P13. ISSN . 2015
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Kit for detection of mononucleotide polymorphism in signal peptide and intron of lipoprotein lipase l gene in gouts. Authors: RYCHTÁŘOVÁ, Jana., SZTANKÓOVÁ, Zuzana and KYSELOVÁ, Jitka.. Česká republika. Užitný vzor CZ 28456 U1. 2015-07-14. 2015
BAUER, Jiří, PŘIBYL Josef and VOSTRÝ, Luboš. Short communication: Reliability of single-step genomic BLUP breeding values by multi-trait test-day model analysis. Journal of Dairy Science, 2015, 98, 4999-5003. ISSN 0022-0302. 2015
LINHART, Pavel and FUCHS, Roman. Song pitch indicates body size and correlates with males' response to playback in a songbird. Animal Behaviour, 2015, 103, 91-98. ISSN 0003-3472. 2015
LOUČKA, Radko. Strategic decisions for growers.. Zemědělec, 2015, vol. 23(47), p. 16-28. ISSN . 2015
ČERMÁKOVÁ, Jana, KUDRNA, Václav, ILLEK, Josef., JOCH, Miroslav and TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Strategy of a shortened dry period and feeding the high-producing dairy cows. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(6), p. 30-33. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
VALNÍČKOVÁ, Barbora, STĚHULOVÁ, Ilona, ŠÁROVÁ, Radka and ŠPINKA, Marek. The effect of age at separation from the dam and presence of social companions on play behavior and weight gain in dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 2015, 98, 5545-5556. ISSN 0022-0302. 2015
LOUČKA, Radko, JAMBOR, Václav, HOMOLKA, Petr, KNÍŽKOVÁ, Ivana, KUNC, Petr, TYROLOVÁ, Yvona a USTAK, S., 2015 The effect of application of two chemical additives on the surface of ensiled maize. In Proceedings of the XVII International Silage Conference, IV International Symposium on Forage Quality and Conservation. Sao Paulo, Brazil: University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, s. 364-365. ISSN 978-85-86481-38-3 2015
WÜLBERS-MINDERMANN, M., BERG, C., ILLMANN, Gudrun, BAULAIN, U. and ALGERS, B. The effect of farrowing environment and previous experience on the maternal behaviour of sows in indoor pens and outdoor huts. Animal, 2015, 9, 669-676. ISSN 1751-7311. 2015
KOUBA, Marek, BARTOŠ, Luděk, ČERNÝ, Martin and ŠŤASTNÝ, Karel. The reliability of using counts of vocal begging young to estimate the number of surviving juvenile Tengmalm's Owls (Aegolius funereus) at the end of the post-fledging period. Ecological Informatics , 2015, 27, 39-43. ISSN 1574-9541. 2015
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Permanent grassland and suckler cows breeding in the EU and the Czech Republic. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(5), p. 37-42. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
HOVORKOVÁ, Petra and SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva. Use of Caprylic Acid in Broiler Chickens: Effect on Campylobacter jejuni. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease , 2015, 12, 712-718. ISSN 1535-3141. 2015
PŘIBYL, Josef, BAUER, Jiří, FULINOVÁ, D., MOTYČKA, J., PEŠEK, Petr, PŘIBYLOVÁ, Jana, ŠPLÍCHAL, J., VOSTRÁ VYDROVÁ, Hana, VOSTRÝ, Luboš and ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila. Including global Interbull values into domestic genomic evaluation of dairy cattle milk production. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(11), p. 30-31. ISSN . 2015
LOUČKA, Radko and TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Effect oť dose of additive to reduce aerobic degradation of maize silage. Krmivářství, 2015, vol. 19(2), p. 16-19. ISSN 1212-9992. 2015
JOCH, Miroslav, KUDRNA, Václav, ILLEK, Josef, VÝBORNÁ, Alena, TYROLOVÁ, Yvona, BRADÁČOVÁ, R. a LANG, Petr., 2015 Effect of Substitution of Soybean Meal by Rapeseed Meal on Milk Production and Feed Intake of High-Yielding Dairy Cows. In XI. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita, s. 34-38. ISSN 2015
ČERMÁK, Ladislav, KUDRNOVÁ, Elena, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra a SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva., 2015 Influence of the Organic Housing System on the Cecal Bacterial Microbiota in Chickens. In XI. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita, s. 58-62. ISSN 2015
KNÍŽKOVÁ, Ivana, KUNC, Petr a DVOŘÁKOVÁ, K., 2015 Effect of Structural Design Stables for Dairy Cows on a Temperature in Cubicle Beds. In Vidiecke stavby v európskych regiónoch III. Nitra: SPU, s. 36-39. ISSN 978-80-552-1399-6 2015
BOĎO, Š., KUNC, Petr a KNÍŽKOVÁ, Ivana., 2015 Effect of Supplemental Shielding on a Temperature Status in Cubicle Beds Strewn by Separate. In Vidiecke stavby v európskych regiónoch III. Nitra: SPU, s. 41-43. ISSN 978-80-552-1399-6 2015
ZITA, L., FOLBRECHTOVÁ, K., VOLEK, Zdeněk, JENÍKOVÁ, M., VOLKOVÁ, Lenka, CHODOVÁ, Darina a LEDVINKA, Z., 2015 The effect of rearing system on growth performance and carcass quality of rabbits. In Nové směry v intenzivních a zájmových chovech králáků. Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita, Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 42-47. ISSN 2015
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, KNÍŽEK, Josef, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, PROCHÁZKA, David a SLAVÍKOVÁ, Martina., 2015 The Influence of Placing of Floor Gratings on the Quality of the Microclimate in the Individual Calf Hutches. In Vidiecke stavby v európskych regiónoch III. Nitra: SPU, s. 60-65. ISSN 978-80-552-1399-6 2015
ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela a SKŘIVAN, Miloš., 2015 The Effect of Phytase Source and Limestone Particle Size on Performance and Egg Quality of Hens. In XI. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita, s. 39-43. ISSN 2015
SYRŮČEK, Jan and BURDYCH, Jiří. Selected indicators influencing the efficiency of dairy cows. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(10), p. 34-38. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
SYRŮČEK, Jan, PROKÚPKOVÁ, L. and KOUŘIMSKÁ, L. Production and quality of beef in the Czech Republic. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(2), p. 30-33. ISSN 0027-8068. 2015
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich and KOPÁČEK, J. Milk production in the European Union after the abolition of quotas. Mlékařské listy, 2015, vol. 2015(149), p. 21-28. ISSN 1212-950X. 2015
ILLEK, Josef, KUDRNA, Václav and KUMPRECHTOVÁ, Dana. The incidence of production diseases and changes in metabolic profile in primiparous and multipara dairy cows.. Veterinářství, 2015, vol. 65(1), p. 34-37. ISSN 0506-8231. 2015
LOUČKA, Radko. Developments in the field will certainly not stop. Zemědělec, 2015, vol. 23(27), p. 14-17. ISSN . 2015
UHLÍŘOVÁ, Linda, VOLEK, Zdeněk, ZITA, T., MAROUNEK, Milan, PŘÍDOVÁ, L., TŮMOVÁ, Eva a VEJČÍK, A., 2015 Importance of choice of suitable crude protein source for diets for intensively reared broiler rabbits. In Nové směry v intenzivních a zájmových chovech králáků. Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita a Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 48-54. ISSN 2015
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, ČERMÁKOVÁ, Jana, LÁCHOVÁ, Jitka and HOMOLKA, Petr. Nutrition and feeding of fattening pigs. Krmivářství, 2015, vol. 19(5), p. 14-17. ISSN . 2015
VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva and BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava. Nutrition of gestating sows. Krmivářství, 2015, vol. 19(2), p. 22-23. ISSN . 2015
BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava and VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva. Nutrition of lactating sows. Krmivářství, 2015, vol. 19(2), p. 24-25. ISSN . 2015
VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva and BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava. Nutrition of piglets. Krmivářství, 2015, vol. 19(4), p. 24-25. ISSN . 2015
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela, ŠOCH, M. and PŘIKRYL, I. Basics of animal hygiene breeding in zoo animals. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i. a ZF JU České Budějovice, 2015, 267 p. ISBN 978-80-7403-147-2 2015
MAROUNEK, Milan a TYROLOVÁ, Yvona., 2014 Up-to-date findings in animal nutrition and health, and safety of animal products. In Uspořádání konference 16.5.2014. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. . ISSN 2014
VALIŠ, Libor, PULKRÁBEK, Jan and DAVID, Libor. Alternative Pig Carcass Presentation without Auricles Used in the Czech Republic. Research in Pig Breeding, 2014, vol. 8(2), p. 26-29. ISSN 1802-7547. 2014
HOVORKOVÁ, Petra, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva a KUDRNOVÁ, Elena., 2014 Antibacterial Effect of a Commercial Feed Additive Containing Medium-Chain Fatty Acids. In Lazarové dni výživy a veterinárnej dietetiky XI.. Košice: Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie, s. 221-225. ISSN 978-80-8077-408-0 2014
ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela, BUBANCOVÁ, Ivana a SKŘIVAN, Miloš., 2014 Carotenoids and egg quality. In Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. Nitra: Slovak University of Agriculture, s. 55-57. ISSN 1336-9245 2014
LOUČKA, Radko. Objective ensiling, methods and tools. Topic of the Week: Harvesting of maize and its preservation. Zemědělec, 2014, vol. 22(34), p. 11-17. ISSN . 2014
MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika., KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana., POLÁK, P., HETÉNYI, L. and KRUPA, Emil. Development of competitiveness and its determinants in Slovak dairy farms. Agricultural Economics, 2014, 60, 82-88. ISSN 0139-570X. 2014
NEVORAL, J., PETR, Jaroslav, GELAUDE, A., BODART, J.F., KUČEROVÁ-CHRPOVÁ, V., SEDMÍKOVÁ, M., KREJČOVÁ, T., KOLBABOVÁ, T., DVOŘÁKOVÁ, M., VYSKOČILOVÁ, A., WEINGARTOVÁ, I., KŘIVOHLÁVKOVÁ, L., ŽALMANOVÁ, Tereza and Jílek, František. Dual Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide Donor on Meiosis and Cumulus Expansion of Porcine Cumulus-Oocyte Complexes. PLoS One, 2014, 9, e99613. ISSN 1932-6203. 2014
MAROUNEK, Milan and JOCH, Miroslav. Effects of heavy metals and arsenate on the ovine rumen fermentation in vitro. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 2014, vol. 47(3), p. 106-108. ISSN 0231-5742. 2014
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, SYRŮČEK, Jan and BURDYCH, Jiří. Economic indicators of milk production in 2013. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(7), p. 10-13. ISSN 0027-8068. 2014
VESELÁ, Z., BUCEK, P., SVITÁKOVÁ, A., PABIOU, T. a VOSTRÝ, L., 2014 Estimation of Interbeef Across-Country Correlations for Limousine Calving Ease. In Biometric Methods and Models in Current Science and Research. Slavonice: Summer School of Biometrics, s. 63-64. ISSN 2014
NOVOTNÁ, A. a SCHMIDOVÁ, J., 2014 Evaluation of Jumping Performance and Genetic Trend of the Czech Warmblood Using the Multitrait BLUP - AM. In Biometric Methods and Models in Current Science and Research. Slavonice: Summer School of Biometrics, s. 49-50. ISSN 2014
CEACERO, Francisco., LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS, T., BARTOŠOVÁ, Jitka, GARCIA, A.J., BARTOŠ, Luděk, KOMÁRKOVÁ, Martina and GALLEGO, L. Habituating to handling: Factors affecting preorbital gland opening in red deer calves1. Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 92, 4130-4136. ISSN 0021-8812. 2014
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona., 2014 Changes in nutritional parameters of maize when harvested at different times. In 16th International Symposium Forage Conservation. Brno: Mendel Univerzity, s. 155-156. ISSN 2014
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, KNÍŽEK, Josef, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína and PROCHÁZKA, David. Breeding comfort and welfare of dairy calves versus growth performance and health. Veterinářství, 2014, vol. 64(10), p. 777-781. ISSN 0506-8231. 2014
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil, WOLFOVÁ, Marie and MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika. Impact of variation in production traits, inputs costs and product prices on profitability in multi-purpose sheep. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research , 2014, 12, 902-912. ISSN 1695-971X. 2014
ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela a SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva., 2014 Carotenoids in Hen Diet. In Lazarové dni výživy a veterinárnej dietetiky XI.. Košice: Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie, s. 176-178. ISSN 978-80-8077-408-0 2014
MICHALIČKOIVÁ, Monika, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil and VOSTRÝ, Luboš. Dual-purpose breeds vs. meat breeds. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(10), p. 28-31. ISSN 0027-8068. 2014
STANĚK, Stanislav and DOLEŽAL, Oldřich. Evaluation of colostrum quality and stocks of colostrum management in dairy herds. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(8), p. 23-24. ISSN . 2014
ILLMANN, Gudrun, KEELING, L., MELIŠOVÁ, Michala, ŠIMEČKOVÁ, Marie, LLIESKI, V., WINCLER, C., KOŠŤÁL, L., MEUNIER-SALAÜN, M-C., MIHINA, Š., SPOOLDER, H., FTHENAKIS, G., ŠÁROVÁ, Radka and ŠPINKA, Marek. Mapping farm animal welfare education at university level in Europe. Animal Welfare, 2014, 23, 401-410. ISSN 0962-7286. 2014
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Mastitis in dairy cows and economic losses. Veterinářství, 2014, vol. 64(12), p. 946-955. ISSN 0506-8231. 2014
KRPÁLKOVÁ, Lenka, PŘIBYL, Josef, VOSTRÝ, Luboš, VACEK, Mojmír and STÁDNÍK, L. Methods for calculating the breeding values of missing traits and their comparison. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2014, 15, 51-63. ISSN 1332-9049. 2014
SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva a HOVORKOVÁ, Petra., 2014 The possible reduction of Clostridium perfringens in broiler chickens by lauric acid and its derivatives.. In Aktuální poznatky ve výživě a zdraví zvířat a bezpečnosti produktů. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 11-14. ISSN 2014
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. General principles of disinfectin in farm animals breeding. Authors: MALÁ, Gabriela and NOVÁK, Pavel.. Česká republika. Certifikovaná metodika 978-80-7403-117-5. 2014-09-02. 2014
KRPÁLKOVÁ, Lenka, CABRERA, V.E., KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, BURDYCH, Jiří, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava., CRUMP, P., STÁDNÍK, L. and VACEK, Mojmír. Optimal growth of heifers and dairy herd production and profitability. Saarbrücken, Deutschland: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014, 84 p. ISBN 978-3-659-58200-4 2014
BUREŠ, Daniel and BARTOŇ, Luděk. The organoleptic properties of beef at a different time of meat ageing. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(10), p. 32-34. ISSN 0027-8068. 2014
LOUČKA, Radko. Orientation tests of silage quality in practice. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(3), p. 56-59. ISSN . 2014
DAVID, Libor, PULKRÁBEK, Jan and VALIŠ, Libor. Pig Carcass Value Parameters Analysed within the Context of Seurop Grading System. Research in Pig Breeding, 2014, vol. 8(2), p. 1-3. ISSN 1802-7547. 2014
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Additives for silages in the year 2014. Krmivářství, 2014, vol. 18(2), p. P1-P2. ISSN . 2014
SALES, James. Quantification of the effects of castration on carcass and meat quality of sheep by meta-analysis. Meat Science, 2014, 98, 858-868. ISSN 0309-1740. 2014
SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena, SCHMIDOVÁ, Jitka., PEŠEK, Petr and NOVOTNÁ, Alexandra. Recent developments in cattle, pig, sheep and horse breeding - a review. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2014, 83, 327-340. ISSN 0001-7213. 2014
KUDRNA, Václav, ILLEK, Josef, ČERMÁKOVÁ, Jana, VÝBORNÁ, Alena, JOCH, Miroslav a LANG, Petr., 2014 Different Nutrition of Dairy Cows During the Dry Period. In Lazarové dni výživy a veterinárnej dietetiky XI.. Košice: Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie, s. 98-101. ISSN 978-80-8077-408-0 2014
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Silage making and individual components of silage preparates. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(3), p. 65-67. ISSN . 2014
NOVOTNÁ, Alexandra, BAUER, Jiří, VOSTRÝ, Luboš and JISKROVÁ, I. Single-trait and multi-trait prediction of breeding values for show-jumping performance of horses in the Czech Republic. Livestock Science, 2014, 169, 10-18. ISSN 1871-1413. 2014
LOUČKA, Radko. Mixes for improvement ensilability. Krmivářství, 2014, vol. 18(2), p. 49-51. ISSN . 2014
MELIŠOVÁ, Michala., ILLMANN, Gudrun., CHALOUPKOVÁ, Helena and BOZDĚCHOVÁ, Barbora. Sow postural changes, responsiveness to piglet screams, and their impact on piglet mortality in pens and crates. Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 92, 3064-3072. ISSN 0021-8812. 2014
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich and SYRŮČEK, Jan. Raw cow´s milk and dairy products. Mlékařské listy, 2014, vol. 25(143), p. 7-12. ISSN 1212-950X. 2014
CHAPMAN, N.G. and BARTOŠ, Luděk. The asynchronous timing of antler casting of Reeves' muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi). European Journal of Wildlife Research , 2014, 60, 563-565. ISSN 1612-4642. 2014
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, HANUŠ, O., SYRŮČEK, Jan, VYLETĚLOVÁ-KLIMEŠOVÁ, M. and ROUBAL, P. The Economic Importance of the Losses of Cow Milk Due to Mastitis: a Meta-Analysis. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2014, 20, 1483-1497. ISSN 1310-0351. 2014
UHLÍŘOVÁ, Linda, VOLEK, Zdeněk, MAROUNEK, Milan a TŮMOVÁ, Eva., 2014 The effect of crude protein source and feeding technique on performance, health status and carcass traits of growing rabbits. In Animal Physiology 2014. Brno: Mendel University, s. 266-271. ISSN 978-80-7375-971-1 2014
ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra and SKŘIVAN, Miloš. The effect of non-phytate phosphorus and phytase levels on performance, egg and tibia quality, and pH of the digestive tract in hens fed higher-calcium-content diet. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 59, 107-115. ISSN 1212-1819. 2014
LOUČKA, Radko, JAMBOR, Václav a TYROLOVÁ, Yvona., 2014 The variability of the results of the nutritional value of maize silage obtained by the apparatus AgriNIR. In 16th International Symposium Forage Conservation. Brno: Mendel Univerzity, s. 157-158. ISSN 2014
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie. The toxic substances in the food chain. Krmivářství, 2014, vol. 18(5), p. 14-16. ISSN . 2014
STANĚK, Stanislav and DOLEŽAL, Oldřich. Level of colostrum management. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(7), p. 18-20. ISSN . 2014
KRPÁLKOVÁ, Lenka, KVAPILÍK, Jindřich and BURDYCH, Jiří. Effect of rearing heifers and level of milk yield in the herd on selected parameters. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(9), p. 67-71. ISSN 0027-8068. 2014
LOUČKA, Radko. The equipment of the working silage line. Zemědělec, 2014, vol. 22(15), p. 14-21. ISSN . 2014
STANĚK, Stanislav and DOLEŽAL, Oldřich. Selected results of the survey for fattening bulls in the Czech Republic. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(8), p. 68-71. ISSN 0027-8068. 2014
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Pea silage. Úroda, 2014, vol. 62(10), p. 30-32. ISSN . 2014
BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava and VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva. Waste utilization in pig feeding. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(11), p. 48-50. ISSN . 2014
KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika and HOMOLKA, Petr. Nutrition based on the chemical fractionation and nutritional requirements of ruminants.. Krmivářství, 2014, vol. 18(4), p. 31-33. ISSN 1212-9992. 2014
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela, VOKŘÁLOVÁ, J. a TITTL, K., 2014 Welfare - a prerequisite for animal hHealth - an integral part of farm biosecurity. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2014. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 57-60. ISSN 978-80-7403-127-4 2014
NOVÁK, Pavel and MALÁ, Gabriela. Principles of biosecurity in poultry farming. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(12, příloha Biosekurita v chovech drůbeže), p. 4-13. ISSN . 2014
STANĚK, Stanislav and DOLEŽAL, Oldřich. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(6), p. 70-72. ISSN . 2014
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela and TITTL, K. . Principles of drinking system sanitation in farm animals. Veterinářství, 2014, vol. 64(10), p. 783-791. ISSN 0506-8231. 2014
LOUČKA, Radko. Silage losses. Krmivářství, 2014, vol. 18(2), p. 25-28. ISSN . 2014


Comparative study of the hypocholesterolemic and hypolipidemic activity of alginate and amidated alginate in rats
The effect of diet on performance, carcass composition and meat quality of farmed fallow deer
Profitability of suckler cows in the Czech Republic in 2016
Blue Lupine Seeds (Lupinus Angustifolius l. cv. Primadona) as Crude Protein Source for Broiler Rabbits
Meat quality of farmed rised red deer and fallow deer
Pig breeding in the European Union and the Czech Republic
Effects of drying procedures on chemical composition and nutritive value of alfalfa forage
Economic efficiency of suckler cow herds in the Czech Republic
The effect of nutrition on milk production
Analysis of milk production, age at first calving, calving interval and economic parameters in dairy cattle management  
Pre-breeding food restriction promotes the optimization of parental investment in house mice, Mus musculus
The traits of the great calls in the juvenile and adolescent gibbon males Nomascus gabriellae
Alloparental care and adoption in Tengmalm’s Owl (Aegolius funereus)
Breeding of Prestice pig in Kostelec nad Orlicí
Additives to silage and feed mixtures 2017
Current trends in calf rearing in the milk nutrition period
Bisphenol S negatively affects the meotic maturation of pig oocytes  
Genetic parameters of insect bite hypersensitivity in the Old Grey Kladruber horse
Weaning reactions in beef cattle are adaptively adjusted to the state of the cow and the calf
An insect trap with an attractant made of a natural substrate
N-alkylamides of alginic acid
Prices of milk and selected subsidies to prices in Germany
Home range size of Tengmalm's owl during breeding in Central Europe is determined by prey abundance
Economic Efficiency of Bull Fattening Operations in the Czech Republic
Genetic characterization of Czech local rabbit breeds using microsatellite analysis
Diversity of the TLR4 Immunity Receptor in Czech Native Cattle Breeds Revealed Using the Pacific Biosciences Sequencing Platform
Nutrition of dairy cows during the transition into lactation
Health status of the mammary gland, quality and price of milk
Dairy forum 2017
Effective weaning of piglets
Dairy cattle breeding on mastitis resistence
Effects of geraniol and camphene on in vitro rumen fermentation and methane production
Preparation and characterization of amidated derivatives of alginic acid
Interbirth intervals are associated with age of the mother, but not with infant mortality in Indian rhinoceroses
Season, transport duration and trailer compartment effects on blood stress indicators in pigs: Relationship to environmental, behavioral and other physiological factors, and pork quality traits
Effects of biological and chemical additives on fermentation progress in maize silage
Profitability of milk production in the Czech Republic in 2016
Effect of the source and level of carotenoids in diets on their retention in eggs
Effect of Housing System and Calcium Content on Eggshell Quality and Microbial Contamination of Eggs in Laying Hens
The Effect of Two Technological Systems for Calf Housing to the Future Performance of Dairy Cow
Milk production in the Czech Republic in 2016
Economics of Aberdeen angus beef cattle
Bio-Economical Modelling of Pig Production Systems
Partial Domestic Milk Test-Day-Records and Global De-Regressed Breeding Values in Common Random Regression Evaluatio
Higher Dominance Position Does Not Result in Higher Reproductive Success in Female Beef Cattle
Biometrical Approaches in Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals
Expression of lipogenic genes and transcription factors measured in subcutaneous fat of heifers and bulls at different time points
Crude protein evaluation of pasture forage and concentrates according to the Cornell system
When the ball is in the female’s court: How the scramble-competition mating system of the North American red squirrel has shaped male physiology and testosterone dynamics
The assessment of biases in the acoustic discrimination of individuals
Influence of loading handling and facilities on the subsequent response to pre-slaughter stress in pigs
Influence of Legs and Udder Evaluation on Longevity and Selected Milk Production Parameters in Czech Fleckvieh and Montbeliarde Cattle
Foot and claw diseases in dairy cows - heritability and genetic relationships to clinical mastitis
Immunological quality of colostrum in Czech dairy herds
Economic indicators of breeding heifers in abroad
The effect of housing system and gender on performance and carcass traits of growing rabbits
National dairy cattle health recording in the Czech Republic
Breeding values for clinical mastitis in dairy cattle, comparison of several models and traits
Genetic relationship between clinical mastitis, somatic cell score, longevity and reproduction trait
Genetic relationship between type traits, number of lactations initiated, and lifetime milk performance in Czech Fleckvieh cattle
Interference of stress with the somatotropic axis in pigs – lights on new biomarkers
A kit for detecting single-nucleotide polymorphism in the signal peptide and intron I of the lipoprotein lipase gene in goats
Genetic parameters for clinical mastitis, fertility and somatic cell score in Czech Holstein cattle
Response on claw health in breeding of Czech Holstein cattle
Evaluation of colostrum quality in Czech dairy herds
Cornell System In Ruminant Nutrition
Monitoring of the Organic Matter Digestibility of Cereal Crops During Growing Season
The Effect of Feed Restriction Combined with Early Weaning on Performance Characteristics and Internal Organ Development of Broiler Rabbits
Different Nutritional Strategies of Dairy Cows During Dry-Period
Estimation of economic values for traits of pig breeds in different breeding systems: I. Model development
Estimation of economic values for traits of pig breeds in different breeding systems: II. Model application to a three-way crossing system
Limestone particle size and Aspergillus niger phytase in the diet of older hens
Effect of socialization in early ontogeny on health and weight gain in dairy calves
Behaviour of Pigs
A sociobiological origin of pregnancy failure in domestic dogs
A simple method for assessment of hyaluronic acid production by cumulus-oocyte complexes
8-hydroxyquinoline against Necrotic enteritis?
How to reduce the cost of feed for pigs?
Associations of polymorphisms in bovine DGAT1, FABP4, FASN, and PPARGC1A genes with intramuscular fat content and the fatty acid composition of muscle and subcutaneous fat in Fleckvieh bulls
Associations of reproduction and health with the performance and profit of dairy cows
Analysis of Quality Milking Process by Thermographic Method
Association of DGAT1 and leptin with fertility traits in Holstein cows
Association analysis between STAT5A and PROP1 genes and milk production in Czech National dairy goat breed: Preliminary results
Bio-economic models for efficient dairy cattle breeding
SIRT1-dependent modulation of methylation and acetylation of histone H3 on lysine 9 (H3K9) in the zygotic pronuclei improves porcine embryo development
Length of productive life of sows in the Czech Republic - how long to use sows in optimum?
Preparation of the Amidated Alginate and Comparison of the Hypocholesterolemic and Hypolipidemic Activity with Alginate in Rats
Evaluation of occurrence of the most frequent diseases and health disorders of dairy cows in the Czech Republic
Bisphenol S instead of bisphenol A: a story of reproductive disruption by regretable substitution – a review
Comparative Study on the Hypocholesterolemic Activity of Amidated Polysaccharides and Psyllium
Manure and Slurry Scraping Frequency as a Factor for Hoof Maceration Elimination
Comparison of genomic breeding values of Holstein in the Czech Republic
Calcineurin role in porcine oocyte activation
Chicory root in restrictive feed ration of rabbits
Comparative analysis of gene expression during postnatal growth in Czech Fleckvieh cattle. J.
Current status of production traits in the pig nucleus herds in the CR.
Effect of linseed and the combination of conjugated linoleic acid and linseed on the quality and oxidative stability of pig meat and subcutaneous fat
Effect of the FGF2 SNP11646 on milk production and fertility traits of Holstein cattle
Economic indicators of milk production in the Czech Republic in 2015
Economic weights as a tool for sustainable livestock farming
Economic values for health and feed efficiency traits of dual-purpose cattle in marginal areas
Economic of suckler cow herds
Economic indicators rearing calves on farms with milk production in the Czech Republic
Effect of increasing doses of marigold (Tagetes erecta) flower extract on eggs carotenoids content, colour and oxidative stability
Emotional contagion of distress in young pigs is potentiated by previous exposure to the same stressor
Effects of service ram on litter size in Romanov sheep
Effect of silage additives on fermentation characteristics of maize silage
Effect of Additiveson Lucerne Silage with High Dry Matter
Effect of dietary magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and limestone grain size on productive performance and eggshell quality of hens
Economic Importance of Milk Traits in Czech Holstein Cattle under Various Milk Payment Systems
Feeding of captive deer- intention to respect biology or to enhance productionIng
GWAS in practical cattle breeding in the Czech Republic - single step method, genetic progress
Genomic and conventional breeding values for clinical mastitis
Gasotransmitters in Gametogenesis and Early Development: Holy Trinity for Assisted Reproductive Technology-A Review
Breeding dairy cows and milk production after milk quotas
Protected methionine in nutrition of dairy cows
Pig breeding and pig meat production in the world, the EU and the Czech Republic
In vitro selective growth-inhibitory effect of 8-hydroxyquinoline on clostridium perfringens versus bifidobacteria in a medium containing chicken ileal digesta
Influence of Dry Weather on Maize Production 2015
Impact of sow prepartum behavior on maternal behavior, piglet body weight gain, and mortality in farrowing pens and crates
In vitro Screening of Essential Oil Active Compounds for Manipulation of Rumen Fermentation and Methane Mitigation
Important role of dominance in allogrooming behaviour in beef cattle  
What additives to use for silages and feed mixtures in 2016
Calculation of the economy in breeding dairy cattle
Feeding of dry cows
Dairy Cattle Footbaths
Combination of primers for detection of point mutations (SNPs) in exon 3 and intron 3 of the stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) gene in goats
Quality of maize silages preserved with various additives
Long or Heavy? Physiological Constraints in the Evolution of Antlers
Leptin Promoter Region Genotype Frequencies and its Variability in the Czech Fleckvieh Cattle
Milk crisis in Germany and the Czech Republic
Does rearing calves in calf hutches reserves?
Microbiological Quality of Colostrum in Czech dairy herds
The international symposium for young research workers in Poland
Methods for calculating economic weights of traits in pigs
Metacommunication in social play: the meaning of aggression-like elements is modified by play face in Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus)
Costs of breeding calves of dairy breeds abroad
What should not be forgotten when projecting
Grazing sheep in the spring
Pregastric and caecal fermentation pattern in Syrian hamsters
Prevention of ketosis and acidosis and udder health
Czech Fleckvieh cattle:Differences betwen production population and genetic resources
Additives for silages and feed mixtures in 2016
Walking Alleys in Stalls and Outside
Estimated economic indicators of breeding dairy cows and suckler cow
Pedigree analysis of the endangered Old Kladruber horse population
Guide for dairy cattle breeder - Livestock picture lexicon
Disease prevention in cows during transition period
Precision farming in dairy cattle breeding
Herding with dog. Sport, work and fun.
Yearbook 2015 of Cattle Breeding in Czech Republic
Profitability in pig production
Resistance of human odours to extremely high temperature as revealed by trained dogs
Realisation of Pig Carcasses in Czech Republic
Profitability of breeding suckler cows in Czech Republic
Kit for detection of single nucleotide polymorphism in gene promoter of myogenic transcription MYF5 factor in cattle
Colostra! immunity of calves in the Czech Republic according to IgG (RID) and total protein determined also by the refractometer
Claw diseases in dairy cattle, heritability and genetic correlations to clinical mastititis
Breeding dairy cows for disease resistance in practice, yes or no?
For how much farm milk production in the Czech Republic?
ICAR Claw Health Atlas
The saturation of newborn calves by maternal antibodies in Czech dairy herds
The influence of rearingenvironment hygiene on occurrence of calf diarrhea
Methods of securing of experiments for determination of silage quality
Acorns and Chestnuts as Important Commodities in Organic Pig Farming
Pens with Temporary Crating: A Viable Alternative Housing System to Improve the Welfare of Lactating Sows - Review
Selection Index for Reproduction of Czech Large White and Czech Landrace Breeds and the Entire Population of Maternal Pig Breeds
Breeding Objectives of Dam Pig Breeds of the Czech National Breeding Program Based on Reproduction Traits
Claw Disease Incidence as a New Trait in the Breeding Goal for the Czech Holstein Population
Principles of animal health and management in zoological gardens
Manual for dairy farmers - Ilustrated guide of cattle housing
Economics of dairy sheep and goat farms in the CR.
Automation of feeding of dairy cattle
New feeds and supplements for animals
Soya and its alternatives
Genetic analysis of national goose breeds
Production of compound feeds and changes in societal requirements
Reliability of breeding values for single- and multi-trait models of dam pig breed obtained using direct inversion and approximation methods
Somatic cells in bulk samples and purchase prices of cow milk
Economic indicators of breeding and main production diseases of calves
Current Status of Goat Farming in the Czech Republic
Feeding of nursering piglets and use of milk feed mixtures
Enhancement of farm possibilities of calves‘ colostral immunity control
Manual for dairy farmers - Illustrated guide of cattle housing
Principles of Animal Health and Management in Zoological Gardens
Estimation of Interbeef Across-Country Correlations for Limousine Calving Ease
Evaluation of Jumping Performance and Genetic Trend of the Czech Warmblood Using the Multitrait BLUP - AM
Deer Nutrition and Feeding
Sex determination in gibbons of genus Nomascus using non-invasive method
The influence of diet on carcass composition and meat quality attributes in cervids
The effect of feeding Jerusalem artichoke on sensory properties of meat from musculus longissimus lumborum of entire male pigs
Development of indicators of milk performance recording between 1996 and 2015
The Study on Antibacterial Activity of Plant Oils Containing Medium-Chain Fatty Acids
Conference Actual knowledges in nutrition and animal health
Ontogeny of individual and litter identity signaling in grunts of piglets
The trends in pig breeding.Castration problems
Enrichment for Pigs on Slatted Floors: Experiments on Low-Cost Objects
The effect of the nutrition and feeding of rabbits on the digestive health
Summary: Beef production in the world and in the EU
The effect of 1-week feed restriction on performance, digestibility of nutrients and digestive system development in the growing rabbit
The influence of environment on aerobic stability of silage
The use of insect in monogastric animal nutrition
Beef production and economics of breeding suckler cow
Nutrition of suckling piglets
The Degradability of Crude Protein Applicated to the Diet of Ruminants
The Effect of Dried Chicory Root Added to the Restrictive Feed Ration of Rabbits on Health Status, Performance and Caecal and Carcass Traits
Effect of additives on the quality of maize silage
Ten year development production and economic indicators of milk production in the Czech Republic
Effect of hoof health and reproduction level on performance and profit of dairy herd
Ten year development of milk production
Somatic cell count in milk from individua! dairy cows and selected indicators
Up-to-date findings in animal nutrition and health, and safety of animal products
White and Narrow-Leafed Lupine as an Alternative Source of Quality Forage
The proper nutrition and feeding of young cattle
The antioxidative properties of S-allyl cysteine not only influence somatic cells but also improve early embryo cleavage in pigs
Corn harvest is quickly coming
Research in Pig Breeding
For how much farm milk production in the Czech Republic?
The effect of phytase in feed mixtures for hens with low phosphorus content
The Many Axes of Deer Lactation
Innovative research of the future of agriculture and rural areas development
42nd ethological conference of Czech and Slovak Ethological Society
Aerobic Stability of Maize Silage after Application of Chemical Additive
Up-to-date findings in animal nutrition and health, and safety of animal products
Avoiding Toxic Levels of Essential Minerals: A Forgotten Factor in Deer Diet Preferences
A mobile system for rearing meat chickens on pasture
Carcass Composition in Selected Pig Hybrids in Czech Republic
Comparison of models to estimate genetic parameters for scores of competitive sport horse events in the Czech Republic
Pasture of pigs at bio farms
Contribution of domestic and Interbull records to reliabilities of single-step genomic breeding values in dairy cattle
Decoding of Baby Calls: Can Adult Humans Identify the Eliciting Situation from Emotional Vocalizations of Preverbal Infants?
Revolution in pig housing?
Behavioural causes of horse-related injuries
Dairy farming and milk production in the world
Cattle breeding and beef production
Dairy cattle breeding – herd turnover and the need of calving pens, waste milk and its modifications for calf feeding
Breeding of dairy cattle - technology, engineering, and management
Chemical protection of top layer of maize silage against aerobic degradation
Economic evaluation of cow-calf herds. II. analysis of the main determinants
The degradability of crude protein in ruminant nutrition
Economic Sustainabiuty of the Local Dual-Purpose Cattle
Economic evaluation of cow-calf herds. I. Calculation methods
Different Sex Allocations in Two Related Species: The Case of the Extant Hippopotamus
Effect of Dietary Medium-Chain Fatty Acids on Campylobacter Jejuni in Broiler Chickens
Effect of Season on Boar Semen Quality and Enzymatic Activity of Aspartate Aminotransferase
Effect of Feed Restriction and Different Crude Protein Sources on the Performance, Health Status and Carcass Traits of Growing Rabbits
Effects of a low-phosphorus diet and exogenous phytase on performance, egg quality, and bacterial colonisation and digestibility of minerals in the digestive tract of laying hens
Effect of green alga Planktochlorella nurekis on selected bacteria revealed antibacterial activity in vitro
Effect of Various Lupine Species on Milk Production of Rabbit Does and Performance of their Litters before Weaning
Effect of exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields on melatonin levels in calves is seasonally dependent
Effects of prompt versus stepwise relocation to a novel environment on foals' responses to weaning in domestic horses (Equus caballus)
Effect of pre- and post-partum sow activity on maternal behaviour and piglet weight gain 24 h after birth
Economic indicators of milk production
Economics of Slovak Spotted cattle
Expression of Emotional Arousal in Two Different Piglet Call Types
Summary: Economic indicators of milk production in 2014
Economic importance of traits for dual purpose cattle breed
Economics of dairy sheep: III. Impact of intensification factors
Economics of dairy sheep: II. Impact of economic factors
Economics of dairy sheep: I. Impact of production factors
First records of preorbital gland opening in rare wild barasingha (Rucervus duvaucelii) in social contexts may help to explain this phenomenon in cervids
Evaluation of crude protein of mountain pasture forage according to Cornell system
General principles of disinfectin in farm animals breeding
Factors Affecting the Duration of Nestling Period and Fledging Order in Tengmalm´s Owl (Aegolius funereus): Effect of Wing Length and Hatching Sequence
Heritability of behavioural traits in domestic dogs: A meta-analysis
The main factors affecting the economic results of milk production
Humans (Homo sapiens) Judge the Emotional Content of Piglet (Sus scrofa domestica) Calls Based on Simple Acoustic Parameters, not Personality, Empathy, nor Attitude Toward Animals
Hydrogen Sulfide Donor Protects Porcine Oocytes against Aging and Improves the Developmental Potential of Aged Porcine Oocytes
Hygiene of rearing environment – basic of calf diarrhea prevention
Increase in lutein and zeaxanthin content in the eggs of hens fed marigold flower extract
Inter-specific differences in the structure and mechanics but not the chemical composition of antlers in three deer species
Wild, wild horses, we'll ride them some day...
Combination for detection of ASIP Ala gene allele in horses
Combination for selective amplification of mitochondrial DNA fragment in goats
Long-term familiarity creates preferred social partners in dairy cows
Does Hygiene Rearing Environment Have the Effect on the Incidence of Calf Diarrhea?
Modern pig farming by tradition
Mastitis of dairy cows and financial losses: An economic meta-analysis and model calculation
Muscle Fiber Characteristics of Four Muscles from Different Cattle Breeds and their Relation to Meat Instrumental Toughness
Several notes on the technology of feeding fattening pigs
Depreciation of suckler cows
Neighbour recognition in two sister songbird species with a simple and complex repertoire - a playback study
How to care for silage
Population Analysis of the Local Endangered Přeštice Black-Pied Pig Breed
Nutrient requirements of fattening pigs
Potential use of caprylic acid in broiler chickens: Effect on salmonella enteritidis
Pigs, breeders and other community
Pregnancy disruption in artificially inseminated domestic horse mares as a counterstrategy against potential infanticide
Pre-orbital gland opening during aggressive interactions in rusa deer (Rusa timorensis)
Production in the world and in the EU without regulation
Why breed dairy cows and produce milk?
Production indicators of milk production for 2014
The udder health and fertility in cattle in the Czech republic
Relationships between growth and body condition development during the rearing period and performance in the first three lactations in Holstein cows
Research in Pig Breeding, 12th International Workshop
Quality attributes and composition of meat from red deer {Cervus elaphus), fallow deer [Dama dama) and Aberdeen Angus and Holstein cattle [Bos taurus)
Kit for detection of mononucleotide polymorphism in signal peptide and intron of lipoprotein lipase l gene in gouts
Short communication: Reliability of single-step genomic BLUP breeding values by multi-trait test-day model analysis
Silage additives for the year 2015
Song pitch indicates body size and correlates with males' response to playback in a songbird
Strategic decisions for growers.
Strategy of a shortened dry period and feeding the high-producing dairy cows
The effect of age at separation from the dam and presence of social companions on play behavior and weight gain in dairy calves
The reliability of using counts of vocal begging young to estimate the number of surviving juvenile Tengmalm's Owls (Aegolius funereus) at the end of the post-fledging period
The effect of farrowing environment and previous experience on the maternal behaviour of sows in indoor pens and outdoor huts
The effect of application of two chemical additives on the surface of ensiled maize
Use of Caprylic Acid in Broiler Chickens: Effect on Campylobacter jejuni
Permanent grassland and suckler cows breeding in the EU and the Czech Republic
Influence of the Organic Housing System on the Cecal Bacterial Microbiota in Chickens
Effect of Substitution of Soybean Meal by Rapeseed Meal on Milk Production and Feed Intake of High-Yielding Dairy Cows
Effect oť dose of additive to reduce aerobic degradation of maize silage
Effect of Supplemental Shielding on a Temperature Status in Cubicle Beds Strewn by Separate
Effect of Structural Design Stables for Dairy Cows on a Temperature in Cubicle Beds
Including global Interbull values into domestic genomic evaluation of dairy cattle milk production
The effect of rearing system on growth performance and carcass quality of rabbits
The Influence of Placing of Floor Gratings on the Quality of the Microclimate in the Individual Calf Hutches
The Effect of Phytase Source and Limestone Particle Size on Performance and Egg Quality of Hens
Importance of choice of suitable crude protein source for diets for intensively reared broiler rabbits
Developments in the field will certainly not stop
Milk production in the European Union after the abolition of quotas
Selected indicators influencing the efficiency of dairy cows
Production and quality of beef in the Czech Republic
The incidence of production diseases and changes in metabolic profile in primiparous and multipara dairy cows.
Nutrition of piglets
Nutrition of lactating sows
Nutrition of gestating sows
Nutrition and feeding of fattening pigs
Basics of animal hygiene breeding in zoo animals
Alternative Pig Carcass Presentation without Auricles Used in the Czech Republic
Antibacterial Effect of a Commercial Feed Additive Containing Medium-Chain Fatty Acids
Up-to-date findings in animal nutrition and health, and safety of animal products
Objective ensiling, methods and tools. Topic of the Week: Harvesting of maize and its preservation
Carotenoids and egg quality
Development of competitiveness and its determinants in Slovak dairy farms
Dual Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide Donor on Meiosis and Cumulus Expansion of Porcine Cumulus-Oocyte Complexes
Effects of heavy metals and arsenate on the ovine rumen fermentation in vitro
Economic indicators of milk production in 2013
Habituating to handling: Factors affecting preorbital gland opening in red deer calves1
Breeding comfort and welfare of dairy calves versus growth performance and health
Impact of variation in production traits, inputs costs and product prices on profitability in multi-purpose sheep
Changes in nutritional parameters of maize when harvested at different times
Dual-purpose breeds vs. meat breeds
Carotenoids in Hen Diet
Evaluation of colostrum quality and stocks of colostrum management in dairy herds
Mastitis in dairy cows and economic losses
Methods for calculating the breeding values of missing traits and their comparison
Mapping farm animal welfare education at university level in Europe
The possible reduction of Clostridium perfringens in broiler chickens by lauric acid and its derivatives.
The organoleptic properties of beef at a different time of meat ageing
Optimal growth of heifers and dairy herd production and profitability
Orientation tests of silage quality in practice
Pig Carcass Value Parameters Analysed within the Context of Seurop Grading System
Additives for silages in the year 2014
Quantification of the effects of castration on carcass and meat quality of sheep by meta-analysis
Recent developments in cattle, pig, sheep and horse breeding - a review
Different Nutrition of Dairy Cows During the Dry Period
Single-trait and multi-trait prediction of breeding values for show-jumping performance of horses in the Czech Republic
Mixes for improvement ensilability
Sow postural changes, responsiveness to piglet screams, and their impact on piglet mortality in pens and crates
Silage making and individual components of silage preparates
Raw cow´s milk and dairy products
The Economic Importance of the Losses of Cow Milk Due to Mastitis: a Meta-Analysis
The effect of crude protein source and feeding technique on performance, health status and carcass traits of growing rabbits
The asynchronous timing of antler casting of Reeves' muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi)
The variability of the results of the nutritional value of maize silage obtained by the apparatus AgriNIR
The effect of non-phytate phosphorus and phytase levels on performance, egg and tibia quality, and pH of the digestive tract in hens fed higher-calcium-content diet
The toxic substances in the food chain
Effect of rearing heifers and level of milk yield in the herd on selected parameters
Level of colostrum management
Pea silage
Waste utilization in pig feeding
Selected results of the survey for fattening bulls in the Czech Republic
The equipment of the working silage line
. Principles of drinking system sanitation in farm animals
Welfare - a prerequisite for animal hHealth - an integral part of farm biosecurity
Principles of biosecurity in poultry farming
Silage losses
Nutrition based on the chemical fractionation and nutritional requirements of ruminants.
Colostrum management for dairy calves
African swine fever and biosecurity: Fighting with windmills?
Economics of aberdeen angus breed
Egg yolk colour and source of carotenoids
Sow stress levels and behavior and piglet performances in farrowing crates and farrowing pens with temporary crating