The research of factors affecting the profitability, quality and safety of milk and milk products in the farms of small ruminants in the Czech Republic
Provider | MZE ČR |
Description | The main objective of the project is an analysis of the potential factors affecting the profitability, milk quality and safety of milk products in the stock farming of small ruminants kept in the Czech Republic.Based on obtained results, will propose measures to improve standard of the milk quality and dairy products both the quality of microbiological and nutritional of small ruminant. The project will study contexts influence of genetic factors on fitness of milk gland and sheep and goat milk quality.There is currently no legislative process of the maximum count value of somatic cells in milk of small ruminants, so next goal of the project is monitoring the status of somatic cell count of the selected farms in the Czech Republic and subsequent recommendations for breeder of small ruminant, so to ensure milk quality, both in direct consumption and technology treatment.Furthermore, project will be deal with progress of methods for the breeding value and application of bio-economic model for economic evaluation of utility traits in small ruminants.Another aim of the project is to develop proposals for new recipes and technologies for milk processing and thereby expand the assortment and quality of dairy products that can enrich the market offer about regional attractive products (e.g. fermented milk products, cheese) as consequence could also occur to increase employment in the region. Part of the project will be established and optimised analytical method for determination of selected technological indicators of milk quality and dairy products. |
Period | 2015 - 2018 |
Databse link (CZ) | QJ1510137 |
Association analysis between STAT5A and PROP1 genes and milk production in Czech National dairy goat breed: Preliminary results
Association of Polymorphism at BTN1A1, SCD and LPL Gene on Somatic Cell Count in Czech White Shorthaired Goat Breed
Association of Polymorphism at BTN1A1, SCD and LPL Gene on Somatic Cell Count in Czech White Shorthaired Goat Breed
Economics of dairy sheep and goat farms in the CR.
Kit for simultaneous genotypization of lactoferin and toll like receptor 4 in goats
QTL mapping for production traits in Czech Fleckvieh cattle
Longevity, angularity and body condition score for Holstein cows
Genetic parameters for somatic cell score in the first three lactations of Czech Holstein and Fleckvieh breeds using a random regression model
Linear description of goat udder, milk yield and somatic cell count
Dynamics of lamb coccidiosis in indoor management systems
Association between polymorphism of ABCG2 gene and somatic cell count in Czech dairy sheep breeds
Methodology of udder description and the effect on somatic cell count in Czech White Shorthaired goat breed
Polymorphism of the ABCG2 Gene in Czech and Polish Sheep Population
Economics of dairy sheep and goat breeding
Udder health and economics of dairy goats farm
Impact of udder health on economics of dairy goat
Effect of a novel polymorphism of the LF and TLR4 genes on milk yield and milk compositions in dairy goats
Goat Yoghurt Drinks with Elevated Α-Linolenic Acid Content and Enriched With Yacon Fiber
Presence of mastitis bacteria in a raw goat milk
Characterization of the new genetic variant in the caprine lipoprotein lipase gene
Somatic cells content in goat and sheep milk
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