70 years of sillaging in Czech Republic

LOUČKA, Radko., 2022 70 years of sillaging in Czech Republic. In Způsoby sklizně a konzervace doporučených hybridů kukuřice, vojtěšky, čiroku a mláta. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., s. Prezentace. ISSN
Internal link22206.pdf

A lot has happened in silage in 70 years. Above all, it is necessary to recall: 1960 the use of formic acid; 1969 LAB; 1975 LAB and enzymes; 1985 – 1990 Preservation of sugar cuttings – consistency, AITK, silage juice; Biological conservation – effects of nitrates, nitrites, pesticides on BMK; Preservation of cereals and pulses; K. orthophosphoric, k. propionic, as a control k. ant; Cellulase in the preservation of high fiber forages (1989). In the years 1991 2008 Improvement of silageability directly in the field (conservation of mixtures of grasses, alfalfa and clover); Preservation of sugar cuttings with higher dry matter, leached grain, wet grain; Reducing the risks of farmed livestock (focusing on the content of phytoestrogens (coumestrol) in alfalfa and the risk of feeding poor-quality silage; Limiting losses due to aerobic degradation of silage, effects on the aerobic stability of silage. From 2009 to the present: Factors affecting the nutritional value of maize hybrids and maize silage; Development new biological and chemical silage preparations and their combinations; New possibilities of enriching feed mixtures with natural ingredients; Application of precision management in the entire process, from silage production to feeding.