Absence of maternal cell contamination in mesenchymal stromal cell cultures derived from equine umbilical cord tissue

VACKOVÁ, I., CZERNEKOVÁ, V., TOMÁNEK, M., NAVRÁTIL, J., MOŠKO, T. & NOVÁKOVÁ, Z. Absence of maternal cell contamination in mesenchymal stromal cell cultures derived from equine umbilical cord tissue. Placenta, 2014, roč. 35, s. 655-657. {INTLINK}
VACKOVÁ, Irena CZERNEKOVÁ, Vladimíra, TOMÁNEK, Milan, NAVRÁTIL, J., MOŠKO, Tibor and NOVÁKOVÁ, Zora. Absence of maternal cell contamination in mesenchymal stromal cell cultures derived from equine umbilical cord tissue. Placenta, 2014, 35, 655-657. ISSN 0143-4004.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
Internal link14066.pdf

This study aimed to determine whether maternal cell contamination exists in cells derived from equine umbilical cord tissue, a perspective material for cell-based therapies in veterinary medicine. Potential maternal cell contamination was analyzed at DNA level via a set of 16 microsatellite markers in cells originating from the cord tissue of 22 foals. In these cells no maternal cell contamination was detected at a sensitivity level of 0.01%. Our results suggest that equine umbilical cord tissue-derived cells are entirely of fetal origin.