Current trends in livestock breeding

ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila and VESELÁ, Zdeňka. Current trends in livestock breeding. In Uspořádání semináře. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., 2021, s. . ISBN .
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The seminar presented the current results of the research of the Genetics and Breeding Department of the Institute of animal science with a link to the use in agricultural practice. The first part of the seminar was devoted to genomic selection in livestock and information on the use of genomic selection in routine estimation in the exterior of Holstein cattle, highlighting the use of Interbull breeding values of bulls to predict genomic breeding values in the Czech population of Holstein cattle. This part was followed by a summary of the economic weighting principles for the characteristics of the selection indices and their practical use in the Holstein cattle and pigs selection indices. The use of clinical mastitis, foot and claw diseases, and reproductive and metabolic disorders has been introduced as the next step in breeding Holstein cattle. An exciting part of the seminar was the investigation of different gene expressions in caseous lymphadenitis infection in sheep. For meat cattle, among other things, we focused on the established principles of the cattle exterior evaluation and other innovations in the breeding, including genomic estimates. For pigs, the transmission focused on the comprehensive history of the development of prediction of breeding values and the development of selection indices, emphasising new selection indices for fertility. The seminar concluded a summary of information on the current state of the sheep population in the Czech Republic and the issue of sheep breeding, emphasising the frequency of litter in the Romney breed.