The analysis of selected indicators of the rearing environment in two types of hutches for calf housing

MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef, PROCHÁZKA, David a SLAVÍKOVÁ, Martina., 2018 The analysis of selected indicators of the rearing environment in two types of hutches for calf housing. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2018. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústasv živočišné výroby v.v.i., s. 37-42. ISSN 978-80-7403-205-9
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The aim of our study was assessment the impact of two different types of hutches for calf housing on the selected bioclimatological parameters (air temperature and relative humidity of the air) during different macroclimatic periods of the year and their effect on performance and welfare. The inside temperature and relative humidity of the air were recorded in the dairy goats living zone in two types of hutches (small and large) in hourly intervals by digital data loggers during five macroclimatic periods (hot summer, mild summer, transition period, mild winter and frozen winter) for the one year period. Detected values were statistically assessed by the methods of general linear model using the Statistica software package 7, StatSoft. Based on the analysis of selected indicators of the rearing environment it can be said that the calves housed in large hutches have in term of welfare conditions more suitable of the breeding environment. Both small and large hutches provide the calves with essentially the same temperature-humidity climate. A statistically significantly higher live weight at weaning and a higher average daily gain was shown in calves rearing in small hutches.