Biosecurita - the basis for preventing of the spread of African swine fever

MALÁ, Gabriela a NOVÁK, Pavel., 2019 Biosecurita - the basis for preventing of the spread of African swine fever. In Africký mor prasat, co jsme se naučili - VÚVeL Fest V. Brno: Výzkumný ústav veterinárního lékařství, v.v.i., s. n. ISSN
Internal link19220.pdf

The study is focused on the proposal of the preventive biological safety principles against the spread of the African swine fever virus into individual pig breeding technological systems based on specific transmission routes. We proceeded from the analysis of our and foreign scientfic literary sources (PubMed) during the elaboration of the study. The prevention of African swine fever is based on a consistent avoidance of contact with infected animals and their body fluids, as well as faeces, contaminated feed, vehicles and other contaminated items: clothing, footwear, equipment, vehicles or persons.