Boar semen quality of the Přeštice black-pied breed

FRYDRYCHOVÁ, S., LUSTYKOVÁ, A., LIPENSKÝ, J. & ROZKOT, M. Boar semen quality of the Přeštice black-pied breed. Archiv fur Tierzucht-Archives of Animal Breeding , 2011, roč. 54, s. 374-380. {INTLINK}
FRYDRYCHOVÁ, Soňa, LUSTYKOVÁ, Alena, LIPENSKÝ, Jan and ROZKOT, Miroslav. Boar semen quality of the Přeštice black-pied breed. Archiv fur Tierzucht-Archives of Animal Breeding , 2011, 54, 374-380. ISSN 0003-9438.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
Internal link11110.pdf

The objective of this study was to examine semen quality parameters for the Přeštice black-pied breed over a test period of 8 y while considering the potential effects of collection month and boar age. Sperm motility, sperm concentration, percentage of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa (MAS), and sperm motility after 24 h of storage in Androhep extender were assessed. Significant differences were found in sperm concentration and MAS rate in relation to collection months and boar age in the monitored years. A tendency for MAS to increase with monitored years was observed. Significant differences in sperm motility and motility after 24 h of storage were only observed in relation to collection months. Results of this study detected effects due to collection month and boar age on boar semen quality during the monitored years.