Dairy cattle breeding – herd turnover and the need of calving pens, waste milk and its modifications for calf feeding

STANĚK, S. Chov dojeného skotu aneb Co se do knihy nevešlo. In Farmářský den ve Velké Chyšce. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., 2015, s. 23-25.{INTLINK}
STANĚK, Stanislav., 2015 Dairy cattle breeding – herd turnover and the need of calving pens, waste milk and its modifications for calf feeding. In Farmářský den ve Velké Chyšce. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 23-25. ISSN
Internal link15146.pdf

The need of housing places in dairy cattle herds should result from the real herd turnover. The number of calving pens (invividual, group) should also result from the real herd turnover and the needs depending on seasonal calving. The herd turnover was calculated in the herd sample of 328 cows, divided into cathegories (calves, heifers, cows within lactation, dried off cows, fattening bulls). The number of calving pens was calculated by the ideal (continual) calving, and the real calving with seasonal waves was modelled which is usual in dairy cattle herds with regards to the time the cows spend in maternity pens. Production of the nonmarketable (waste) milk in the Czech republic ranges from 60 to 292 kg/cow/year, and this milk has variable quality and high microbial contamination. The examples from practice demonstrated the dynamics of microbial changes in waste milk by several different methods of its storage. In the very contaminated samples of waste milk were also demonstrated the changes in the total number of microbes and E.Coli depending on the time period between its warming and feeding to the calves. The possibilities for verification of quality of the waste milk were shown with use of refractometers.