What's new in research?

ČERMÁKOVÁ, J. & KOUKOLOVÁ, M. Co je nového ve výzkumu?. Náš chov, 2014, roč. 74, č. 4, s. 14-15.{INTLINK}
ČERMÁKOVÁ, Jana and KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie. What's new in research?. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(4), p. 14-15. ISSN .
Internal link14042.pdf

The report was focused on finding of interesting information concerning to university research of cattle breeding and particularly nutrition. There are some research institutions (e.g. Research Institute of Animal Science in Praha-Uhříněves; Agrovýzkum Rapotin, s.r.o. and others) that includes universities which are the springboard for the training of specialists. Students and teachers of Mendel University in Brno, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice were questioned on financial part of teaching, satisfaction with teaching and processes of running projects. Teachers feel the lack of financial area of the research. Students are very interested about study stays abroad.