Differences among breeds and manifestation of heterosis in AI boar sperm output.

SMITAL, J., DE SOUSA, L..L., MOHSEN, A.. Differences among breeds and manifestation of heterosis in AI boar sperm output.. Animal Reproduction Science. 2004, roč. 80, č. 1-2, s. 121-130.
SMITAL, J.aroslav, DE SOUSA, L..L. and MOHSEN, A. Differences among breeds and manifestation of heterosis in AI boar sperm output.. Animal Reproduction Science, 2004, 80, 121-130. ISSN 0378-4320.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
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A total of 271547 records of semen collections were utilised to appraise sperm characteristics of 3319 boars belonging to 8 breeds: Czech Large White (CLW), Czech Landrace (CLA), Přeštice Black-Pied (PBP), Czech Meat Pig (CM), Hampshire (HA), Duroc (DC),Pietrain (PN), Large White (LW), and various crosses of these breeds. The assessment of sperm output was based on semen volume, number of total spermatozoa and number of viable spermatozoa. A linear model was used for statistical analysis included fixedeffects of breed or crossbred combinations, boar within breed or crossbred combinations, year-season, and linear and quadratic regression on age of boars at collection and on interval between collections. The average semen volume of boars ranged from 161 ml to 349 ml.