Divergent selection for shape of growth curve in Japanese quail. 2. Embryonic development and growth

HYÁNKOVÁ, L., NOVOTNÁ B., KNÍŽETOVÁ, H. & HORÁČKOVÁ, Š.. Divergent selection for shape of growth curve in Japanese quail. 2. Embryonic development and growth. British Poultry Science. 2004, roč. 45, č. 2, s. 171-179.
HYÁNKOVÁ, L.udmila, NOVOTNÁ B., KNÍŽETOVÁ, Helena and HORÁČKOVÁ, Š. Divergent selection for shape of growth curve in Japanese quail. 2. Embryonic development and growth. British Poultry Science, 2004, 45, 171-179. ISSN 0007-1668.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
Internal link4056.pdf

I. Embryonic growth and development were analysed using meal type lines oi Japanese quail, HG and LG, divergently selected for nhape of the growth curve. A total of 1020 embryos of generations 9, 10 or 13 were Lined for analysis. 2. Cm I side nihil- inier-linc dillereiues were observed in IIK- rate i embryonic development- When compared to HG, LG embryos appeared t