The Effect of Groups Dividing in the Czech Fleckvieh Bulls in the Feeding Period Housed in Fully-slatted Barns on Growth Intensity

STANĚK, S., DOLEŽAL, O. & ZINK, V. Efekt rozdělování skupin vykrmovaných býků českého strakatého plemene v celoroštových stájích na intenzitu růstu. Metodika, Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby. v.v.i., 2012.{INTLINK}
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. The Effect of Groups Dividing in the Czech Fleckvieh Bulls in the Feeding Period Housed in Fully-slatted Barns on Growth Intensity. Authors: STANĚK, Stanislav, DOLEŽAL, Oldřich and ZINK, Vojtěch.. Česká republika. Certifikovaná metodika 978-80-7403-096-3. 2012-09-24.
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„The goal of this experiment was to evaluate whether the group size of the Czech Fleckvieh fed bulls influences their growth rate. The results showed that the experimental group of bulls, which was during the feeding period divided into two weight balanced groups (2 x 12 bulls), achieved a higher average daily gain (1193 g) compared to the control group (1109 g), where there were 25 bulls during the whole feeding period. A higher daily gain (1215 g) was reached in the experimental lighter group in comparison to the heavier bulls group (1170 g) and to control group (1109 g) during the experimental period. One of the groups was divided into two separate groups in the course of the experimental period. The autocompensation mechanism started to be observed in the lighter group during the experimental period (social group stability, lower intensity of mutual conflicts, easier feed access etc.).