Economic importance of traits for dual purpose cattle breed

KRUPA, E., KRUPOVÁ, Z., MICHALIČKOVÁ, M., KASARDA, R. & KADLEČÍK, O. Ekonomická důležitost znaků kombinovaného plemene skotu. Náš chov, 2015, roč. 75, č. 5, s. 31-34.{INTLINK}
KRUPA, Emil, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika, KASARDA, R. and KADLEČÍK, O. Economic importance of traits for dual purpose cattle breed. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(5), p. 31-34. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link15041.pdf

The bio-economic approach was used to calculate economic weights for production, functional and carcass traits of Slovak Pinzgau cattle reared in dairy and cow-calf system, respectively. In the base systems, actual status of production and reproduction traits of the breed was considered. For each system, one alternative was modeled where optimization of growth parameters of calves till weaning and conception rates of females was applied. The average productive live time of cows increased (+0.4 and +0.8 year, respectively) as the consequence of above mentioned optimization. In this case, relative economic importance of milk production (in dairy) and weight gain of calves till the age of one year (in cow-calf system) increased the most. Regarding the order of the most important traits in dairy system, it was not influenced by the optimization of the input parameters, however the overall weight of these traits decreased (-9 p.p.). In contrast, optimization in cow-calf system was linked with significant changes in the order of traits importance, when growth traits of calves become as the most important followed by productive lifetime of cows. Their overall economic importance increased in this alternative by 8 p.p.