Economic indicators of milk production

SYRŮČEK, J. & BURDYCH, J. Ekonomické ukazatele výroby mléka. Zemědělec, 2015, roč. 23, č. 38, s. 38-39.{INTLINK}
SYRŮČEK, Jan and BURDYCH, Jiří. Economic indicators of milk production. Zemědělec, 2015, vol. 23(38), p. 38-39. ISSN .
Internal link15114.pdf

The paper deals with the evaluation of the economic situation in milk production in 2014 in the Czech Republic. In a group of 78 farmers with breeding dairy cows were detected the total costs per one dairy cow in amount of 72 thousand CZK or 9.23 CZK per liter of milk. Taking into account subsidies for dairy cows and the prices obtained in 2014 was the result of milk production a profit of CZK 8476 per cow per year, ie. CZK 1.08 per liter. Calculations showed addiction level of costs to farm size and amount of market production, where the highest profit was achieved by the farms, which annual market production is over 10 thousand liters of milk. The breakeven point represents a situation in which a zero profit. Assuming milk prices CZK 7.96 / liter (January-July 2015) and the survey results for 2014, the balance of costs and revenues must be average milk yield about of 9,239 liters of milk per cow per year. In article also calculated indicator IOFC (Income Over Feed Cost), which in the monitored set for 2014 based on average CZK 118 per cow per day, ie approx. 43 thousand. CZK per cow and year. Indicator calculates how much money farmers will remain after deducting costs to feed from sales of milk to cover the additional costs incurred and what will be the profit.