Summary: Economic indicators of milk production in 2014

SYRŮČEK, J. & BURDYCH, J. Ekonomické ukazatele výroby mléka v roce 2014. Náš chov, 2015, roč. 75, č. 7, s. 22-26.{INTLINK}
SYRŮČEK, Jan and BURDYCH, Jiří. Summary: Economic indicators of milk production in 2014. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(7), p. 22-26. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link15065.pdf

In a group of 78 farmers with breeding dairy cows were detected for year 2014 the total costs per one dairy cow in amount of 72 thousand CZK or 9.23 CZK per liter of milk. An annual increase milk prices can be estimated at counting subsidies for dairy cows total profit in the amount of 8,476 CZK per cow per year, i. e. 1.08 CZK per liter of milk. Considerable variability in reported results talks about possibility of improving economic indicators. Calculations showed addiction level of costs to breeds, farm size and amount of market production, where the highest profit was achieved by the companies, which annual market production is over 10 thousand liters of milk. Increase the milk yield of 100 liters would lead to increase in costs per cow and also increases in sales and thereby achieves a higher profit about CZK 249 per cow per year