Economic weights of new fertility traits of sows and boars.
Year | 2020 |
Cathegory | Publication in specialized journals |
Internal link | 20040.pdf |
Abstract | The aim of the study was to calculate the economic weights (EW) of new fertility traits of sows and boars using the extended bio-economic model of the EWPIG program. EW were calculated for the number of functional teats of sows of maternal breeds and for four sperm quality traits of breeds included in the three-breed production system of the CzePig program. EW for the number of teats expressed the difference in cost between naturally and artificially reared piglets, from birth to slaughter. The improvement in semen quality also involved the cost saving related to lower costs for the semen doses production and thus the lower costs of insemination of the sows. For the Czech Large White and Czech Landrace dam breeds, the increase of the number of teats by one the annual cost savings of 219 CZK and 540 CZK were calculated. The increase in sperm quality in the sire breed annually represented 3.26 CZK/ml of semen volume, 2.13 CZK/103 cells/mm3 sperm concentration, 12.00 CZK/% of motility and 10.31 CZK/% abnormal spermatozoa. Due to the structure of the hybridization program and the production of insemination doses, the economic importance of semen quality parameters in maternal breeds was 5 to 11 times lower. The calculated EW indicates that in the breeding of the local population should be taken into account: the number of teats for dam breeds and the semen quality traits in sire breeds. |
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